Saturday, August 31, 2019

Decreasing Child Abuse with Nurse Partnership Essay

Child abuse in America is not a new epidemic; our country’s history has been tainted with it since its inception. Children are abused at all ages, indiscriminate of gender, race, or culture. While the abuse of any child is appalling, the abuse of an infant is especially heinous. Dr. John Leventhal, a professor of pediatrics at Yale School of Medicine completed a recent study which highlighted the fact that â€Å"serious abuse-related hospitalizations are more common in infants under the age of one year old and tend to disproportionately affect families on Medicaid,† (Mann, 2012). These incidents occur because parents are ill-prepared for parenthood and lack the resources necessary to appropriately manage the stress of a new infant. A Nurse Partnership Program (NPP) is the answer to our nation’s call to significantly decrease the amount of child abuse cases for infants under the age of 1 year. If appropriately executed and managed, this program could also improve the quality of life for participating families as well as potentially decrease the number of families who receive aid from public welfare and assistance programs. Needs Assessment Child Abuse Statistics According the United States Department of Health & Human Services (USDHSS) (2011), Nevada is tied with Tennessee as the state with the third highest rate of child abuse per capita for children under the age of one year; 16. 9% of Nevada’s infants were abused in 2010, 47. 7% of those cases resulted in fatalities, and 81. 3% of the perpetrators were parents of the victim. The USDHSS (2011) also reports that the federal government’s Fourth National Incident Study of Child Abuse found that abuse is three times more common in poor families and neglect is seven times more common in poor families as well (poor as defined by national poverty line). Poverty Statistics The U. S. Census Bureau reports that 16. 4% of Nevada residents live in poverty, which places Nevada as 38th in the nation (2010). In terms of pure numbers, 306K people receive Medicaid in the state of Nevada (Haynes, Vogel, and Tetreault, 2012). Nevada has a large target population for this program and as the third worst state in the union for child abuse of infants, Nevada has demonstrated a dire need for action. Specific Target Population The target population for the Nurse Partnership Program would be expectant mothers who are Medicaid recipients. The Nevada State Department of Human and Health Services and the Prevent Child Abuse Nevada organization would serve as supporting agencies since both organizations already work to prevent and control child abuse in Nevada. The NPP would also benefit from the participation of dedicated social workers. Community Level Nursing Diagnosis Nursing Diagnosis One The target population is at risk for impaired parenting related to situational characteristics that precipitate child abuse. Previously mentioned statistics prove that a disproportional amount of child abuse cases for children under one year of age occur in families who receive Medicaid. Child abuse, neglect, and maltreatment are classified as impaired parenting. According to the USDHHS (2012), research has uncovered a number of risk factors or situational characteristics that create a higher probability of child abuse within families. These situational characteristics of parents or caretakers include previous trauma history, altered mental health, and an unhealthy or negative response to stress. Research also indicates a link between substance abuse and child maltreatment. There is also an increased risk when children are raised by a single parent, when one parent is already to victim of domestic violence, and when parents are socially isolated. Nursing Diagnosis Two Many young or teenage parents receive public aid and Medicaid, which places them in the target population. These young and teenage parents are at risk for ineffective coping related to lack of social and emotional support, lower economic status, high stress levels, and inadequate education. Brownridge and Douglas found that lack of or inadequate employment, education, social and emotional support, and self-esteem are associated with child abuse among children of adolescent mothers (2008, pp. 9-42). Without a sufficient support system or education to prepare young parents for the monumental task of caring for infants, they are rendered inadequately prepared to cope with the stresses of early parenthood. Cancain, Slack, and Yang (2012) state that researchers and policy makers have long recognized that children living in families with limited economic resources are at a higher risk for maltreatment than children from higher socioeconomic strata. Nursing Diagnosis T hree The children of the target population are risk for trauma related to their dependent role in the parent child relationship. Infants are especially susceptible to maltreatment due to their early developmental status and need for constant care. As Dr. Leventhal (2012) stated, when abuse occurs in children under the age of one year abused, they are more likely to incur serious injuries that require hospitalization than abused children over the age of one year. Project Goals, Objectives, and Interventions  A Nurse Partnership Program would match a registered nurse with an expectant mother, who would in turn provide education and mentorship throughout the pregnancy and first year of the child’s life. The nurse would perform home visits and help the mother prepare the home as well as herself for the safe arrival of the infant. The nurse would advocate for a healthy pregnancy and assist the mother in finding the resources she would need to facilitate that healthy pregnancy. While evaluation of the goals would include comparing the rate of child abuse cases among those enrolled in the NPP with those in the ontrol group, the overall evaluation of the program would include the rate of families who set and meet educational and professional goals as well as achieve and maintain economic independence of government aid programs. Project Goal One The first goal of this program is to improve pregnancy outcomes of the targeted population. This would start with matching an expectant mother with a registered nurse early in the pregnancy. This initial relationship builds the foundation for a successful therapeutic relationship and the overall success of this program. The nurse would educate the woman on preventative practices during pregnancy to include prenatal care, appropriate diets, and any behavior modifications that may need to occur such as the use of cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs. The success of interventions and determination of meeting this goal would be evaluated by comparing the rate of healthy births by mothers enrolled in the program with the rate of healthy births by mothers in a control group not participating in the NPP. Project Goal Two The second goal of this program would be to create a safe home environment for children to reduce the likelihood of accidental injuries. This process would also create confidence in young parents as they take control and responsibility for the safety of their child. Duva & Metzger (2010) found that a lack of confidence and self-esteem increase the risk of children suffering from abuse. Ongoing evaluation of this goal would occur during the home visits and overall evaluation of this goal would include the comparison of accidental injuries to children whose family is enrolled in the NPP to the control group. Project Goal Three Project goal three would include teaching the young parents how to build an appropriate support system. Young parents need to be able to communicate to others what their needs are. Something as simple as asking someone to watch their child so they can have a break could benefit the parents and child, providing a stress management tool which can decrease the likelihood of child abuse. Support systems include families, friends, and community networks (such as other parents, churches, etc. ). Evaluation consists of comparing the rate of child abuse cases among those enrolled in the NPP with those in the control group. Child abuse cases among the participants would be screened to determine if they were successful at building that special support system. Nurses can evaluate the progress of this goal during their home visits throughout the first year of the child’s life. Project Goal Four Project goal four includes improving child health and development. Nurses would work hand in hand with a licensed social worker to help parents provide responsible and competent care. This goal revolves around the main intervention of education. Their education would include stress management techniques, effective parenting skills, early childhood development, and the development of realistic expectations for themselves as parents and their children. This goal would include home visits by both the social worker and nurse throughout the first year of the infant’s life. Participants in this program are both students and parents. This unique compilation creates a situation ideal for the involvement of social workers. According to the Illinois Association of School Social Workers (2012), social workers help people understand themselves and others, cope with stress, develop decision making skills, help parents to meet and understand the needs of their children’s social and emotional needs, how to identify and utilize resources effectively, provide counseling services, and advocate for patients. They are a valued partner in the proposed program as the collaboration between the social worker, nurse, and parents are fundamental to the success of the NPP. Evaluation of this goal outcome includes comparing the rate of child abuse cases among those enrolled in the NPP with those in the control group. Project Goal Five Project goal five is the lynchpin for the overall success of the program. The final goal is to improve the economic self-sufficiency of parents. This would include the nurse and the social worker collaborating with the participants to develop goals for their own futures by completing their education, developing employable skills, finding employment, and planning future pregnancies. The success of this goal would be determined by the umber of cases who achieve economic independence, no longer utilize government aid programs, and have no unplanned pregnancies within two years of the child’s birth. That number would then be compared to the control group. Estimated Cost Discussing the cost of the program would by an injustice without discussing the possible savings the program could also produce. Child abuse and neglect costs the U. S. $124 billion from just one year of confirmed cases of child maltreatment and the lifetime cost for each victim of child maltreatment who lived was $210,012 (Fang, X. , Brown, D. , Florence, C. , & Mercy, J. 2012). The Nurse-Family Partnership organization reports that a recent cost-benefit update by Washington State Institute for Public Policy (2012) determined that long term benefits could equal as much as $23,000 per participant of a NPP. As families gain economic independence of government aid programs, the government saves money. This program would also decrease the amount of Medicaid dollars spent as children are expected to be born within a healthy birth weight and generally healthy overall when compared to the control group. In comparison, the cost of the program would be significantly less per family. The supporting agencies are already in place in the targeted community. The Nevada State Department of Human and Health Services and the Prevent Child Abuse Nevada organization both work to prevent and control child abuse in Nevada; the infrastructure is already established. The cost would be allocated to initiate a new program within the Prevent Child Abuse Nevada organization with the oversight of the Nevada State Department of Human and Health Services. The Nurse-Family Partnership organization has estimated the cost of such a program to be approximately $5,000 per family per year. Ideally, in order to establish and maintain continuity and oversight throughout the program, it would be managed by a single entity such as the Prevent Child Abuse Nevada organization. This is different than other programs which are managed individually by hospitals and smaller organizations. Some may balk at utilizing government funds, but funding this program is more economical than paying the price of child abuse. Fang et al. (2012) determined the lifetime cost for each victim of child maltreatment who lived was $210,012, which includes medical and legal costs, as well as other costs associated with child abuse (social services, etc. . It is definitely cheaper to teach them than it is to treat them. Collaboration With a Licensed Social Worker This program proposal was discussed with a licensed social worker, Mandy S. , in the state of Nevada. This licensed social worker stated individual programs exist through hospitals and smaller organizations, but agreed that a larger program w ith a single point of managerial oversight in the county would be the most beneficial. I proposed the ideal situation would include State Legislature mandating Medicaid recipients to participate in such a program in order to receive benefits of Medicaid and other public assistance programs such as welfare, food stamps, and Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). WIC â€Å"provides Federal grants to states for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk† (Food & Nutrition Service, 2012). Mandy S. stated that this legislative push would be a goal to pursue after the success rate of the NPP could be established. Implementation The program would be administered and managed by the Prevent Child Abuse Nevada organization. The Nevada State Department of Human and Health Services would maintain oversight and monitor outcomes of the program. It also requires the cooperation of hospitals and physician offices as they will be the initial referral source for patients to the program. Ideally, if successful, patients would refer their friends and family to the program as well. There are only two qualification standards for participation in the program. First, the woman must be less than 24 weeks pregnant to ensure adequate time for prenatal care to maximize the success rate of project goal one. Second, the family must be at or below the government established poverty line. A registered nurse and licensed social worker would be assigned to the woman to complete the project goals and planning with the patient in her home. The same registered nurse and licensed social worker would complete home visits ever one or two weeks throughout the pregnancy and first year of the infant’s life. The frequency of visits would be determined during the initial assessment and re-evaluated as required to ensure participants are receiving the interventions they need to ensure success in the program. Each goal is monitored by the nurse and social worker throughout the family’s participation in the program and changes or new interventions are developed as required. The participation would continue during the pregnancy thru the child’s first birthday. During that year participants are armed with the knowledge and resources to ensure safe and healthy environments for their children, healthy support networks, reduce or eliminate negative behaviors, provide responsible and competent care to their children, and to be economically independent of government aid programs. If patients are determined to not be safely discharged from the program, they may be determined eligible for additional assistance. Evaluation of Project Overall evaluation of the program is difficult to ascertain as this program would take over a year to achieve results. However, nurse partnership programs have begun to gain popularity throughout our country and have achieved wonderful results. So much so, that the Centers for Disease Control have named these programs as effective with a great potential to reduce economic burden of child maltreatment. Further collaboration with the licensed social worker, Mandy S. , determined a weakness in this program. While the original goal was to decrease the number of child abuse cases in children under the age of one year, it was determined by the social worker that many of her clients had children under the age of two and required much assistance from her. My initial plan to provide services thought the first year of the child’s life was inadequate. Together, we determined participation through the second year of the child’s life would be most beneficial to participants. Mandy S. was a great resource as she stated that the majority of child abuse cases she personally supervises are due to a lack of support, resources, and most importantly, education. This program provides those things to participants, thus decreasing the risk of child abuse and trauma, increasing positive parenting skills, and developing positive coping skills. Interviews with young mothers proved positive. When asked if they would be interested in participating in a NPP program or would have liked to have a program available when they were expecting, 22 of the 25 polled stated yes, they would have been excited to participate. Those 22 mothers unanimously stated they felt they would benefit from such a program. Although the original program did not include support groups of participants, the polled mothers stated they would enjoy the social benefits of participating in support group comprised of participants. This would be a great resource for those participants who do not have a family or other social circle to rely on for support. The community overall benefits from a program that decreases the rate of child abuse. It breaks a cycle that research has proven exists. Many times people who have been abused continue the cycle of abuse; Clark County has the opportunity to stop that cycle. Children who are subject to abuse are at a higher risk of developing mental health issues, substance abuse problems, and overall negative health behaviors (Herrenkohl, R. Harrenkohl, T. , Moylan, C. , & Sousa, C. , Tajima, E. 2008). The community not only saves money with this program, but it builds a strong community where healthy families thrive and prosper. Summary Parenting can be a challenging and lonely experience. The course of this project has taught me that preparation is the key to success. The more we can prepare young mothers for the challenges of parenthood, the more we are likely to decrease the rate of child abuse among children under the age of one year. Young parents are often faced with the stress of financial dependence on others and government programs; the NPP provides resources to set and meet goals to complete education and achieve employment to maximize financial independence. This is not a lifelong program. The intention of the program is to provide parents the mental tool box and resources they need in order to provide a healthy life and economical independent life for their children. The concept is relatively new, and I am excited to see the proven long term effects in the years to come.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Christian Reflection-Motivation Essay

Being in the box has a negative impact on an individual’s internal and external motivation in the workplace. We lose our â€Å"what-focus and who-focus† because we are too occupied with justifying the characteristics we have created in our minds. (The Arbinger Institute, 2002) For example when I was an intern in the civil rights office, my first rotation was with the only diversity specialist. She had a fairly poor attitude but was excellent at the work that she produced. She insisted that employees should overlook her attitude and focus on the point she was making. Over time I watched as her approach to interacting with her co-workers slowly escalated into arguments and the refusal to work with her. People wanted clear boundaries for what their responsibilities were versus the diversity specialist. Other people in the office lost motivation or developed a very short temper with the diversity specialist. The civil rights office could not work together to accomplish any group tasks if they were paired with this individual. However it was the civil rights division that suffered as a whole. Upper management noticed the internal discord and lost trust in the office. Internally I am positive that each employee blamed someone else for the loss of trust within the office. My office is a very great example of â€Å"collusion,†each person continues to act according to the characteristics they are placing on themselves and co-workers to justify not working as a team. (The Arbinger Institute, 2002) I am also guilty of shying away from working with the diversity specialist. There were times when I could have stepped in to help her out but I refused to volunteer due to some of our interactions, I truly felt justified in my thinking also. Although I know that my Christian beliefs/values should have a positive affect on internal and external motivation in the workplace. I also know that this positive affect is accomplished by ensuring that I behave in a manner that would be pleasing to God. However, that is not always the case. Sometimes a Christian will know the right thing to do but will ignore their inner spirit. It is challenging to offer someone that last bit of advice that will make a difference in their project when they constantly belittle your suggestions or take credit for the work you do. Christians must remind themselves that their rewards will come from God, not man. Motivation has a huge impact on the amount of conflict in the workplace. When people are motivated in a positive manner to interact with co-workers and employees, you have a positive, productive work environment. However when you have a few people â€Å"in the box† it has a negative domino affect on the work environment. (The Arbinger Institute, 2002) People want to leave early and only produce what is required of them. As blame begins to shift to everyone around them, there is a loss of motivation to go the extra mile or be helpful to others. References The Arbinger Institute (2002). Leadership and Self-Deception. Sand Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Heart Dissection Practical Report Essay

Introduction On the of July 2002, a sheep’s heart was examined by dissection. The heart is a muscle in all mammalian bodies that is used to pump blood and nutrients throughout the body. A sheep’s heart was used in this prac because like the human heart it has four chambers and is similar in size. Two of these chambers are receiving chambers called the left and right atrium. The other two are pumping chambers called the right and left ventricle. The reliability of the cycle of blood through the body depends on the sequence of contractions from the atrium and the ventricle. When ever the atriums contract it is called the systolic phase. And when ever the ventricles contract, it is called the diastolic phase. These sequences ensure the blood flow through the heart. These occur one after the other to create a heart beat. The blood flow through the heart starts when the right atrium takes the blood that flows through the superior or inferior vena cava. The right atrium then fills with blood and the pressure of the blood causes the tricuspid valve to open. The blood then travels through into the right ventricle where it pusses the blood into the pulmonary arteries. After this the blood is pumped into the lungs where it is oxygenated, the oxygenated blood travels through the left ventricle then pushes the blood through the aorta, which provides the body with blood. Aims The aims and goals of this procedure was to: 1.Dissect and examine a mammalian heart 2.Develop dissection skills 3.An in-depth investigation into how the heart works. Materials Materials used in this dissection were: 1.Sheep’s heart 2.Scalpel 3.Rubber gloves 4.Dissection tray 5.Paper Procedure The first step in the dissection is to put on the rubber gloves before handling the raw hearts. Next was to place the sheep heart on the dissection tray. After that an exterior examination happened to detect the mail valves. Next was to locate a fatty area on the heart to help guide the first incision into the heart. Two incisions were required during the procedure. The first one was to be parallel to the right ventricle. The incision must be deep enough to cut into the ventricle to be able to get a proper view. The second was opposite the first to examine the other side of the heart, to be able to view the chordae tendinae. After the dissection is completed, the heart must be properly disposed along with the gloves and hands must be washed. Results diagram of heart valve system Discussion During the dissection of the sheep heart, features of the muscle were detected. One of these was that the left ventricle wall was thicker then the right ventricles. This is because it uses this extra muscle to propel the blood through the aorta to the rest of the body. Also some stringy substances holding a kind of flap was found, this was soon made clear that it was the chordae tendinae. It is attached to the bicuspid valve and capillary muscle and had a remarkable strength because it had to work hard in a high-pressure area and hold the heart tougher. Also in this region, the heart wall was wetter and slipperier then the rest of the heart. This was for extra lubrication. The flow of blood was made clearer when the heart was opened up. Diagram of path of blood flow through the heart. The direction of blood flow through the heart starts from superior or inferior vena cava to the right atrium. Then it passes through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle to the pulmonary arteries. The blood then goes to the lungs where it is oxygenated comes back down to the pulmonary veins to the left atrium, then passes through the bicuspid valve into the left ventricle where it is propelled through the aorta into the body.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Pebble Smart Watch Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Pebble Smart Watch - Research Paper Example The Pebble Smartwatch, in its latest campaign in Kickstarter, has been touted as the most funded project in the history of the site, generating close to $9 million in pre- orders during the first day of its funding campaign. Indeed, the campaign easily topped $14 million dollars a few days after the watch made its re-entry in the crowdfunding site. The massive popularity of the watch was evident in the way its first forays into crowdfunding in Kickstarter were also massively successful. This success allowed the firm behind it to launch itself into viability on nothing more than the success of this first crowdfunding initiative. Aside from the basic Pebble, which was launched earlier, the new crowdfunding initiative has the introduction of a new product variant, known as the Pebble Time Steel. This new model sells for $250 and has been well-subscribed. On the other hand, those massive numbers in sales translate to more modest number scales when it comes to ordered units, as the Pebble Time has been ordered by just 57,000 customers. To put this number into perspective, the launch of the new Apple watch product is expected to generate millions of units in sales, if not hundreds of millions. This tells us something of the target market of the watch presently, and of the way by which the evaluation of the marketing strategy and the marketing mix of the product range is to proceed (Murphy). The latest figures, meanwhile, put the total raised funds for the new watches at $20 million dollars and counting, making this latest Kickstarter foray a massive success (Weber and Babb). On the other hand, the overall levels of sales Pebble are encouraging at more than one million units at the end of 2014. To be sure, the initial distribution point of the Internet and Kickstarter had been complemented in 2013 by the entry of Pebble watches in Best Buy, but one can say that

Importance of Radical Change in Management Practices Assignment

Importance of Radical Change in Management Practices - Assignment Example The concept of organization is a complex process that requires many factors that put into consideration and its successful attainment is an issue of time and in-depth critical assessment of various societal characteristics. It is worth noting that sound management skills are the backbone of any firm’s management. This should capture all the formal and informal interactive approaches in respect of the entire working and business environment. It is important to breakdown analysis of the components of such a successful organizational structure and function in the broader picture of the internal and external perspective. It is worth to underline the level of the organization in terms of the stage of development so that the approaches made are conformable with the challenges and issues present. An organization which has just begun an is still an infant in terms of all the aspects of operation requires less effort to turn around as compared to a firm that has existed for some time a nd has developed in-depth tradition in various departments within the employees, management and the general public. It therefore means that revitalizing an ongoing organization that has been in market for some time is the most relevant issue owing to the contemporary competitive global business market. A complete overhaul of the entire organizational policies has never been effective approach to deal with the challenges that are part of its performance. This means that the management has got to be patient and take ac systematic move in order of priority such that the image of the firm to the public is maintained as internal factors are gradually taken through reforms. The order of actions for rejuvenating the performance of an organization should begin with deeper diagnosis of all the factors that explains the position of the firm at that given time (Boonstra, 2004, pg328). This would form the basis of setting up the most pertinent issues that are key to the survival of the organiza tion as further adjustments are in progress.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Article review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Review - Article Example ) â€Å"The goals of SOX were to enhance the transparency of financial information, reaffirm auditor independence, and define corporate governance – the responsibilities of corporate boards and audit committees†. The author has pointed out the advantages of Sarbanes act on the economy and young generation, as many of them are indulging in educating themselves on the aspects of this new law. However, one fact that distracts the reader is that, paragraphs are divided in to real small units. Moreover it can be realized that, the third paragraph is slightly complicated, which can turn the readers perplexed and confused. Many a times, readers can be of ordinary category and they can find theses sentences overwhelming or distracting. On the other hand, the best part is that, the third paragraph gives out statistical fact and figure by mentioning historical evidence on the financial security acts. In the third paragraph, there is also statement about the merits of the Sarbanes Act on the financial and investment sector Further, more proceeding into the later paragraph, it can be understood that the writer is projecting on the quality of PCAOB (Public Companies Accounting Oversight Board) in giving organizations an opportunity in securing their investment and financial transaction processes. It is stated in the article that, PCAOB will establish quality control in auditing, maintain ethical independence and standards in a registered public accounting firms. Moreover, the authenticating nature of PCAOB is revealed in the article, where in it shows how the accounting firms, media and press consider the above listed act. Another highlight of the PCAOB is detailed as its ability to give employment opportunity to people in information technology field. According to (Rosavich)â€Å" Documenting internal control involved a thorough review of systems and also meant additional employment opportunities for information technology professionals†. The writer had presented the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Please conduct a SWOT analysis of PAC Resources, Inc. and complete a Research Paper

Please conduct a SWOT analysis of PAC Resources, Inc. and complete a detailed paragraph response to each area of the analysis - Research Paper Example The company has strong presence in the US market and target market type of this company is niche. At the time beginning of this business the owner of the company started the business operation in US and after that it got success in that particular market. Gradually they become a strong player and increase their sales revenue from this market. Strong presence also helps the company to establish a stable customer base in this market. The company can generate almost 83% of its total revenue from one customer. The company is involved to produce major components for this customer. It can be said that that customer has started to depend on the component o this company which is one of the biggest strength of this business (Akanda, 2013). PAC Resources, Inc. employs 835 full time workers in their business activities. This scenario indicates that the company is able to get enough human resources to run their operational activities. Weaknesses are few internal lacking which needs to be correct ed by the organization after implementing appropriate strategies. Here, the company is depending on only one primary customer for earning major percentage of sales revenue. Therefore, the company posses a high risk factor regarding the possibility of decline in sales in future with the decrease of business with the primary customer. The managers do not concentrate on day to day operation in this business and as a result the business is involved in some unethical practices. Again, the management has few ides to cut down the heavy cost factors in business. Employees are dissatisfied for the management activities in this organization. This company has several opportunities to establish their business in new markets such as Asia, Europe etc. The company is cutting cost by providing employee paid share. The management of this company has taken several initiatives like various training program to improve the skills of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Evidence base practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Evidence base practice - Essay Example So, as a team, we are under a supervision of a superintendent who is in charge of all the professionals working under him. The nursing practice guideline in our facility strongly advocates for rational decision making based on facts and evidences that can be relied upon at all times (Tschudin, 2011). One is always required to act on well-researched evidence while discharging their duties both in the emergency and operation rooms. These are critical areas that do not need one to rush in action, but to be a patient, consultative team player who acknowledges and is ready to seek the opinion of other professionals (Melnyk, 2011). The management of the hospital emphasizes these points since it is what can help in delivering patient-oriented services as we strive to satisfy their diverse needs. After all, a nurse should also be ready to discharge duties of a researcher who looks for knowledge, apply and disseminate it to others for the sake of improving the patients’ health

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Financial Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4

Financial Management - Essay Example The deal was not an easy one for Google considering that the company had to put in a lot of effort for obtaining the regulatory approvals for the same (Reuters, 2012). The deal was announced at $40 per share which added up to a total of $12.5 Billion which was at a premium of 63% to the price of Motorola shares at the end of August 12, 2011. The acquisition of Motorola was aimed at protecting the viability of Google android considering the fact that Google was recently facing a threat due to patent war existing throughout the industry, due to which the major android manufacturers like HTC and Samsung were being sued by giants like Microsoft and Apple for the infringement of patents (Gaughan, 2011, p.5). Google announced that it will run Motorola as an independent business. The deal received approval from the shareholders as well as from the United States Department of Justice and the EU in early 2012. The approval from Chinese authorities followed and the deal was completed on May 22 , 2012. The deal represented Google Inc.’s biggest challenge to Apple Inc., which was the leading player in the market of mobile phones and tablets. Economies of scale A vertical merger generally has a lower potential for economies of scale than a horizontal merger but the merger of Google and Motorola saw the achievement of economies of scale in both financial and risk bearing economies (The Economist, 2008). Technical, organizational, bulks buying as well as financial economies of scale were achieved from the merger (Thompson, 2012). Coordination improved in terms of cost fit, timing fit, size and communication fit within the business (Arnold, 2005, p.45). The merger immediately showed a success effect by increasing the market share in the world market for smartphones from 46.9% in the first quarter of 2012 to 68.1% in the last quarter of 2012. Economies of scale was achieved by getting other byproduct benefits such as the development of the next generation device for mobil e computing, extra services, for example, advertising to living rooms through Motorola'scable TV boxes which helped in boosting the staggering set top box business, in smartphone designs aimed to fulfil the government regulations and competing with Microsoft’s new release of Windows phones. The company achieved a higher output with lowering the average cost, thus increasing the profitability and ensuring lower price for the customers (Rosenbaum, 2012). Economies of vertical integration The move to buy Motorola had a positive impact on the margins. Major phone manufacturers show a trend of having slim margins (Neale, 2004). But market leaders like Apple and Samsung have been known to maintain a margin of 40-50%. Google maintained net profit margin of 25% without having to subsidize the cost of manufacture in order to attract new clients. The merger showed a 100 to 150 basis points positive impact on the profitability. The merger enabled Google Inc. to supercharge the Android e cosystem and enhanced it competitive features in the mobile computing sector. The merger also opened up new opportunities for cross licencing. Combining complementary resources One of the main motives behind the merger was Google’s intention to accelerate innovation by combining the technical resources of Motorola Mobility. Another primary reason was that Google wanted to acquire the huge number of patents that Motorola had. The acquisition of these patents was likely to give the company a high competitive strength against its

Friday, August 23, 2019

Nursing - Medication Errors Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Nursing - Medication Errors - Research Paper Example To compress in a nut shell, it can be described as the wrong medication to the patients. This is where the role of nurses comes under scrutiny, as nurses could act as a major contributing factor for the occurrence of medication errors. Generally diagnoses of the diseases are carried out by the physicians with the aid of other medical personnel, including lab technicians. Monitoring the status of the patients and providing them with the right medicine as prescribed by the physicians at the right time frames is the basic and the essential task of the nurses. Moreover the medication errors are nurse-oriented, as they attend to each and every need of the patients, and are in direct contact with the patients, everyday. Hence they need to have accurate details about the medication given as well as the timings of drug delivery and perfect monitoring of the patients. When they fail to perform their duties in relation to drug delivery, it could end up in medication errors. Some of the major m edication errors that will be focused in this paper include the following, Over dosage of the medicine, or the route of administration Failure to prescribe or administer the exact drug to the patients Lack of observation – failure to observe the correct time of administration, this may be due to the difficulties in understanding the prescription and confusion about the different drugs which has similar names. These are some of the errors which can cause lethal effects to the patients such as drastic physical complications affecting various parts of the body, and in extreme cases coma or even death in some patients. Recent studies reveal that â€Å"Ten to 18 percent of all reported hospital injuries have been attributed to medication errors.† (Mayo and Duncan, 2004). â€Å"Of the approximately 44,000 –98,000 patient deaths reported each year because of medical errors, 7,000 were attributed to medication† errors. (Stratton et al., 2004). These statistical d ata would back up the fact of the lethal effects caused by medication errors caused by the nurses. Hence, this paper will discuss the issues related to the medication errors, which are issues related to nursing, direct and indirect impacts on the health care policy, statistical data to support the issue and other implications for future nursing practices. Medication errors related to nursing A patient who comes to a healthcare facility can be treated optimally only if proper diagnosis is made, and importantly correct drug therapy is prescribed and carried out. However, â€Å"drug therapy cannot be successful unless, and until, both the prescribing and medication delivery processes are conducted correctly.† (Flynn et al., 2002). During this prescribing and delivery process, there are many chances of error creeping in, with all the healthcare personnel including physicians, technicians, nurses, etc., liable for it. They could do some minor or even major error, and that could co ntribute to major problems for the patient, themselves and to the healthcare facility. However, the issue with these medication errors is that many errors go undocumented and unreported. This perspective was validated by Flynn et al. (2002), who stated â€Å"errors resulting in serious harm are reported because they are easy to identify and hard to conceal, yet they represent the "tip of the iceberg",† with many errors intentionally or unintentionally concealed by various players. Among the various players or healthcare person

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Linguistics and their realationship to Teaching Essay Example for Free

Linguistics and their realationship to Teaching Essay Abstract This paper is an attempt to analyze the relationship between linguistics and language teaching. Linguistics is a science and teaching while technical is also an art yet they are closely related to each other in the case of language teaching. The foreign language teachers need to include selection, grading and presentation as their main steps. Linguistics plays an important role in the whole process of teaching by helping to facilitate a teachers understanding of the workings and systems of the language they teach. Applied Linguistics is really about the melding of these 2 actions. The Relationship between Linguistics and Language Teaching. Linguistics is defined as the scientific study of language. Linguistics is then divided into several branches which study different accepts of its use. Descriptive linguistics, historical and comparative linguistics, which it is based on methodology. Synchronic and Diachronic linguistics, which it is based on the aspect of changes over time. Phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics, which is based on a language as a system. Sociolinguistics this is related to or combined with the disciplines of linguistics and sociology. Its interest is in the relationship between language and society. It works to explains why people Use different speech in different social contexts. It’s area of study is the social functions of language to convey social meaning. The social relationships in a community, and the way people signal aspects of their social identity through their language (Jenet Holmes, 2001). Sociolinguistics also is concerned with the interaction of language and settings. (Carol M. Eastman, 1975; 113). The other expert defines it as the study that is concerned with investigating the relationship between language and society with the goal of a better  understanding of the structure of language and of how languages function in communication ( Ronald Wardhaugh, 1986 : 12) Psycholinguistics relates to the combined disciplines of psychology and linguistics. Psychology is defined as the systematic study of human experience and behavior or as the science that studies the behavior of men and other animals. Knight and Hilgert in Abu Ahmadi,(1992). It covers language development. (Lim Kiat Boey). The other definition of psycholinguistics is that it is the study of human language-to-language comprehension, language production, and language acquisition (E. M. Hatch). The research done on the relationship between linguistic theory and language teaching can be traced back to the late 19th century. Its relationship has been discussed and debated for many years and researched extensively. Since this time different research proposed by different scholars has been disputable and found to be largely inconclusive. In the 1960s it was decided that there needed to be a reassessment. The conclusion that was formed went in two two main directions of thought with differing points of view. One viewpoint was that linguistics is not as relevant as it was first thought to be, and its importance was overrated. Such linguists as Lamendella (1969) and Johnson (1967) expressed their disagreement to regard linguistics as the basis of a strategy of learning. Lamendella (1969) thought that it was a mistake to look to transformational grammar or any other theory of linguistic description to provide the theoretical basis for second language pedagogy. What is needed in the field of language teaching are not applied linguists but rather applied psychologists. The other point of view was to recognize that the general contribution of linguistics was important. This came though with a proviso that teaching language was not to be bound to only follow one theory alone. The idea being that different linguistic theories can offer different perspectives on language, and they can all be treated as equivalent resources useful for teaching. Levenson (1979 ) once said, ‘no one school of linguistic analysis has a monopoly of truth in the description of the phenomena of speech†¦traditional school grammar, TG grammar, †¦all these and more can be shown to have their own particular relevance to the language teaching situation. By1960 the United States, reached its peak of the influence of structural linguistics upon language Teaching. Structural linguistics stressed the importance of language as a system and investigates the place that linguistic units such as sounds, words and sentences have within this system. This then associated with behaviorism provided the principal theoretical basis of the audio lingual theory. This then influenced language teaching materials, techniques and the teachers educations. Behaviorism led to theories, which explained how an external event, causes a change in the behavior, without any kind of mental interaction. It also stressed the importance of repetition and practice in learning a second language, this I think is a vital factor in learning a foreign language. If we look at the audio-lingual method, it emphasizes: (1) The teaching of speaking and listening before reading and writing; (2) The use of dialogues and drills; (3) The avoidance of the use of the mother tongue in the classroom. Audio-lingual method regards speaking and listening as the basic skills, this is in line with today’s English teaching situation. The Mentalist Approach In the 1960s Chomsky formulated the mentalist approach. The hypothesis was considered that human behavior is much more complex than animal behavior. Chomsky, felt that we are born with a Language Acquisition Device (LAD), which enables a child to make a hypotheses about the structures of a language in general, and also the structure of the language being learned more importantly. By the end of the sixties’, there were new developments in teaching language starting to occur. The TG theory had a big impact resulting in a change in teaching methods. It was opposed to the empiricist theory, that is, teaching audio linguistics, linguistically structuralism and psychologically behaviorism. TG theory. 1 It stresses mental activity. 2 It postulates that all human beings have an innate ability to learn a language. 3 That it is an inborn instinctual ability and not practice that made human beings obtain the rules of a language and understand and can produce countless numbers of sentences. The Natural Method was successfully used in various language schools in the USA and Europe in the late 19th and the early 20th century. In the post-World War I decades, the direct method was adopted into English language teaching (ELT) this laid a solid intellectual and practical foundation for developing ELT as an autonomous profession. Some linguists, like Diller (1970), openly declared his preference for the cognitive position; while others, like Chastain (1976) and Rivers (1981:25-27) held that the two theories were complementary and served different types of learners or teachers or represented different phases of the language learning process. Applied Linguists brought about the situational approach and the notional/functional method. It is based on a broader framework for the description of language use called communicative competence proposed by Hymes, This brought about the communicative approach to language teaching came into being. In 1970s, a group of scholars including Oller (1970) and Widdowson (1978), were linguists but at also closely in touch with teaching practice. They gave language teaching and language pedagogy the linguistic direction they regarded as necessary. Since they were in touch with language teaching practice and linguistic so had a two-way view of the problem, they placed emphasis on real language and its communication and use. To take Oller’s interest in pragmatics as an example. Oller (1970:507) claimed that pragmatics has implications for language teaching; it defines the goal of teaching a language as prompting the students not merely to manipulate meaningless sound sequences, but to send and receive messages in the language. The students in China start English when they are in primary school. In the past, more attention was paid to the grammar, the result was very disappointing: Now the emphases is on speaking and listening. The audio-lingual method is now used in the classroom. In China, more people need to learn English in order to have the ability to communicate with foreigners. In this case, speaking and listening is much more important than being able to read and write. They are not expected to have a high level of English and their aim is simple, they need to communicate with a foreigner so they can understand their words and express themselves well. This is based on simple daily conversation. A market sale and business or being able to work in the tourism industries. Basic conversation and understanding can be very helpful in everyday conversation exchanges. The Audio-lingual method stressed the repetition and it theorizes that a language is learnt through the formation of habits. To speak English fluently, without constant practice, is impossible. So in our English teaching, we must help our students speak and listen well. Expressing ourselves properly is not always an easy thing, especially if it’s an emotionally charged topic. Even an English major may sometimes find it problematic to express exactly what they mean so it is understood by the other person in a way that is understood by all. When I go to Cambodia I find the generally that the population though not taught English in school has good English conversation capacity. They may not read or write but I feel if they had the opportunity to learn now they have grasped the basic language that they would with more ease. There is a need for them to talk and sell to foreigners so they have had a need and incentive to learn and the fact that their using it every day also helps. Though there are of course talented students I find in Thailand the communication level is not good as a lot of emphases is but on reading, writing and grammar, that many times, is not really understood or comprehended. Thai students learn form primary but they do not always have a reason to speak out of the classroom. One lesson a week in speaking and 3 of grammar I find makes the students scared to use the language. I teach with Thailand teachers and due to a some general pronunciation problems the students are confused about the sounds of the words and how to string them together. Confidence helps a lot just talking even if it is wrong. I always attempt to inspire confidence as I feel it is very important for speech. In my opinion, linguistics and language teaching relationship is a dual one. There are some theories of linguistics that can be applied to language teaching, i. e.  linguistics guides in development of language teaching theory. On the other hand, a language teaching theory expresses or implies answers to questions about the nature of language. It is necessary for a language teacher has some knowledge about, the systems of languages. A teacher should understand how the language works and expresses meaning and the structures that are used in the language being taught. A teacher needs to know how to make the phonic sounds and the mechanics to produce these sounds. This helps with pronunciation problems that students will encounter. By studying linguistics a teacher will have a deeper insight into the nature of language and the language the student speaks as theyre first language. If we agree that the use of a language is a matter of habits and practice, then a teacher needs to implant the habit of using it for communication until it becomes second nature. Conclusion Linguistic theory is continually developing and teaching theories are constantly changing as is the language itself. This alone demands a permanent study of languages and the relationships between linguistic theory and language teaching methods. There are many techniques and theories but no one concept or technique can take in the Different needs student may have and the differing ways people learn. This is a science in its self. There can be many differences in understanding between the L1 and L2 language from different cultural understandings and different sounds that may be new to the learner. There are many ways a culture will express its self along with idiosyncrasies and local knowledge of the everyday life in the culture. They say when you understand humor you start to know a language. If one could take every student as an individual and teach them the best way they learnt one would be assured of good results. Knowing the basic individual attributes the child had can enable to teacher to create classes designed for their individual needs. This is a luxury that tutors can give their students but in the classroom one dose not have so much control. A practical framework designed to suit the most students and the context that is the most appropriate. The Relationship of Linguistic Materials for the Second Language Teacher. Because of political, economic and also technical changes, English has become widely taught as an official business language worldwide, also as a second language to immigrants in English-speaking countries to gain entry and work, and as a foreign language in many non-English-speaking countries. This is also largely due to the computer so there is a universal language for coding and business. There are many theories on different ways to teach and different scholarly thoughts on the best process. I feel that this depends on the type of English you are teaching. Since there are many different needs a student may have. In China the emphases is on communication with foreigners on a daily basis like selling them something in a market or doing business. In other countries such as Thailand the emphases is put on Grammar and writing and reading and only a small part into communication. So while there are still many theories on the best way to teach I feel in my knowledge so far that it is best to learn as many ways as possible and how they work in the different environments. Applied Linguistics is really about the melding of these two actions but not the scope of this essay. One of the most fantastic Linguistic help I think the corpus is one of the best ways to get relevant vocabulary for your students. This is helpful for Syllabus and curriculum planning and for all areas of language teaching. References Chastain, K. (1976). Developing Second-Language Skills: Theory to Practice. Chicago: Rand McNally. Diller, K. C. (1970). ‘Linguistic theories of language acquisition’ in Hester 1970:1-32. Johnson, M. (1967). Definitions and models in curriculum theory. Educational Theory, 17:127-40. Lamendella, J. T. (1969). On the irrelevance of transformational grammar to second language pedagogy. Language Learning, 19:255-70. Levenson, E. A. (1979). Second language lexical acquisition: issues and problems. Interlanguage Studies Bulletin, 4:147-60. Oller, J. W. (1970). Transformational theory and pragmatics. Modern Language Journal, 54:504-507. Rivers, W. M. (1981). Teaching Foreign-Language Skills. Second edition. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press. Widdowson, H. G.. (1978). Teaching Language as Communication. Oxford: Oxford University Press. .? Zeki Hamawand, Z. Morphology in English: Word formation in cognitive grammar. continuum. Publishing. ( Zeki Hamawand, Z. (2011).

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Female Education Essay Example for Free

Female Education Essay Intrcduction: Education means mental and moral training. It is the light that clears off the darkness of ignorance from our mental horizon. It open wide to our vision the vastness of God’s creation and enables us to think about the merciful creator of this universe. It is a blessing. It ensures a perfect and harmonious development of our innate qualities and makes us worthy of the name `Ashraful Makhlukat’ Education should be universal: Education is a light to which everybody has the equal right. When God created man and woman, he drew no hard and fast line of distinction between them. He endowed them all equally with the bright and noble faculties. So education cannot be an exclusive possession of any class or sect or sex. So God made the pursuit of knowledge compulsory for every man and woman. So education should be universal. It should be imparted to both man and woman, Who form one-half of the population. They should not be refused the benefits of education. View against female education: There are, however, some people who are strongly opposed to the female education. They say that it is useless to impart education to women, whose duties are confined to household affairs, rearing of children and ministering to the comforts of their male parents. Reasons for educating women: It is true that women have many special tasks in life and there sphere of duties are different from those of men. But we should that these tasks also need training and education. Unless women get proper education, all their prospective faculties get crippled. It is only by imparting proper education to them that we can expect them to discharge the duties nicely and decently. Secondly, education of children depends a great deal upon mothers. Childhood is the most impressionable stage and anything good or bad, taught to child makes an indelible mark on his mind. Can we have educated and ideal citizens when the mothers themselves are foolish and ignorant ? No, we can not. Thirdly, every woman is a potential mother. The future of a child greatly depends on how it is brought up and educated in childhood. An educated mother is naturally expected to bring up and educate her children better than an uneducated mother. Fourthly, social responsibilities should also be shared by men and women. In domestic life a woman can lend a helping hand to her husband. when a husband returns home extremely tired after the day’s hard toil in the outside world, it is for her to cheer him up and to make his life easy and comfortable. She serves as the best and truest friend and her words go a long way towards influencing her husband for what is good and noble. these are the strongest points in favour of female education. However, opinions may differ in respect of the nature of education to be imparted to woman. Traditional system of education for girls to be changed: Our main object is to educate our women systematically and carefully. By education we do not mean the winning of different Degrees of the university. The traditional system of education for girls should be changed. Cooking, Sewing, Child rearing, Home Economics and Nursing should be introduced in the curriculum of their studies. studies. Some are under the impression that education makes woman foppish, weak and quite incapable of discharging their domestic duties. But they must know what makes them so is not education at all. Early marriage should be abolished : Early marriage is one of the hindrances to female education in our country. It is a custom among the muslims to get their daughters and sisters married before they attain puberty. they are married before they understand well their duties as wives and often they become mothers before they pass their girlhood. so the system by all means be abolished from our society. Conclusion: All steps necessary should be taken to encourage universal female education for the survival of our nation. It is heartening to note that the Government has recently declared free and compulsory education for rural girls upto class [pic].

The Role Of A Sheriffs Department Social Work Essay

The Role Of A Sheriffs Department Social Work Essay The sheriff is an elected county official; therefore deputies and those who work for the department tend to have a closer relationship with the citizens in that particular city. According to LaFrance and Placide (2009), article on the different leadership styles of police and sheriff, most of the time, Sheriffs have risen through the ranks of the sheriffs office over time before running for election therefore they are place-bound. Because they are elected, they might feel more of an obligation to remain at their posts even when there is an adversarial relationship with the county and its board. Rowan D. Williams states that Bad human communication leaves us less room to grow, well I grew from this internship with the sheriffs office. They were willing to let me witness and be a part of any call that would not put my life in any danger. They answered all questions and allowed me to participate and experience the procedure of filling out paper work. The internship with the Cherokee County Sheriffs Office was everything I expected an internship to be. I went into this internship with an open mind willing to learn and observe as much as possible, regardless of the warnings that it was more cows and horses then people. Expecting to do a variety of things which would not only give me a paper to write but also an idea of what I wanted to do with my criminal justice degree. All of my personal learning objectives were answered. If the individual I was with at the time could not answer a question, then I was directed to the persons who could. Interning with the Cherokee County Sherif f Department was a very enlightening experience making me more aware of what my lifes goals were and were not. I gained a lot of firsthand experience and was able to network with a lot amazing individuals. From the observations I made while interning with such informative individuals gave me new respect for the manner in which the legal process is reviewed. I started my internship as the ride along and the shift was 6:00am-6:00pm, however the deputies shift started at 5:45am. The overlap help the deputies who were about to punch out get off sooner. Roll call is held every morning. This is where the deputies receive any information from the night crew or any policies and procedures which changed while they were off. They inspect their weapons, cars, and any other device which may hinder them from doing their job. After the roll call, the supervisor at each precinct briefed the deputies on what was going on within their zone and who I would be riding with. Then the deputies would disperse and began zoning or patrolling. Stan Crowder The Cherokee County Sheriffs Office runs their agency with high standards. Deputy Hackard describes the sheriffs department as aiming to be Triple Crown holder with its accreditations. The training which every deputy participates in prepares the deputy for his job and also their partners job. This agency goes beyond all requirements for accreditation. Cherokee County, which was the first agency in Georgia to have accreditation through The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA), is also Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) certified and Georgia certified. Each certification holds its own purpose within the agencys policy and procedures. The agency builds its policy and procedures around the standards and requirements of CALEA and POST. The agency has not yet received accreditation from American Correctional Association (ACA); however they have standards similar to those that are already required. This agency strives to maintain and go beyond all standa rds to set itself apart from the rest as it relates to its citizens. Constantly being in training helps the department establish a mind, within the deputies, able to critically examine situations in different scenarios. Wesley Phillips and Darrell Norman write in their article that by engaging in critical thinking, law enforcement professionals should create multiple solutions to problems by constantly questioning and challenging their strengths, and examining decision-making preferences and practices (2009). The training which is required by the agency also helps the deputies help each other in their job. Even though the agency is certified through other programs the two which really have a large impact on how the department will conduct business are POST and CALEA. POST is an essential asset to the Cherokee Sheriffs office. It is a program which basically trains the department on gun usage and ethics that are mandatory and every agency in Georgia must be certified in. Even though CALEA is not mandatory, it does so much more for an agency. According to the departments website having this form of accreditation strengthen an agencys accountability, both within the agency and within the community. However, with CALEA it is more of a standard and rules. This accreditation is not mandatory and more than a few agencies in Georgia do not have this accreditation within the department. There are two reasons why many agencies do not have; money or man power. Cherokees Sheriff Office possesses an extremely hardworking and serious group of individuals whose job is to be quite knowledgeable about CALEA and assist in them maintaining their accreditation. Another difference between the major two accreditations, POST and CALEA, is the process. With CALEA the deputies sit in classes and learn. They become aware of the policies and procedures to handle different scenarios. They also learn different ethical choices to make. Again CALEA is not mandatory but it does say a lot about an agency. Cherokee was the first agency in the state of Georgia to be accredited through CALEA. The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies set the procedures and standards on things such as how to hand cuff or searches and seizures an individual correctly to how to write out reports. POST is a different entity in itself. To maintain your certification through POST you must go through training once a year, however Cherokee requires their deputies to go through training twice a year. According to the sheriffs department website, they require each officer to secure 45 hours of P.O.S.T. approved training during the calendar year. Everything the age ncy does to improve the department, exceeds the minimum. P.O.S.T. only requires 25 hours to retain. Every deputy in the state of Georgia must be POST certified to even carry a firearm. Peace Officer Standards and Training classes usually last about twelve to thirteen weeks. Officers who finish then become fully sworn officers after they complete. Deputies also receive ethical training here as well. They go through a variety of academies and courses. Cherokee County maintains their accreditation by doing the following: The office coordinates scheduling of personnel attendance at state and local training facilities, provides in-service training and monitors number of hours personnel receive annually to assure minimum requirements of the P.O.S.T. Council and the Sheriffs Office are met. Being in law enforcement requires a lot of paper work, but the training the deputies receive prepare and train them in filling out all paper work. When it comes to maintaining their accreditation, Cherokee County Sheriffs department exceeds the requirements. The deputies must re-qualify with their firearms every year and the minimum score is eighty percent. They must have forty hours of training which is more then what CALEA requires. The department also leaves the option to sign up for more class if the deputies would like. The department goes beyond its requirements for the protection of the agency. If something was to happen on behalf of one their employees not following protocol then the agency would be able to show that they provided training to that individual to make the right choices. I feel that the training and certifications are used by the department to be able to distance itself from law suits and unnecessary court involvement. Cold cases in the Cherokee County Sheriffs department are reviewed annually. Cold cases come about when there is not enough information to bring the case to a closing. These are crimes or an accident that has not yet been solved fully and is not the subject of a recent criminal investigation. Only the serious crimes fall under cold cases if they are not solved. However some serious crimes have statues of limitations, such as rape. Rape is only a cold case for seven years. Homicide and murder do not have any statues of limitations they can be reopen at any time. However, if there is not a perpetrator then there is not case and no case means another cold case. The only way the case can be reopen is with new information or with new witness testimony. In order for the deputy to get a warrant they only need probable cause however the district attorney needs beyond a reasonable doubt to win the case. So if the sheriff never gets the warrant because there is not enough evidence then the district attorney never gets the file and the case becomes cold. The investigators re-examined archives and retained material evidence, as well as fresh activities of the suspect to reopen the case. Conduct of crime investigation and detection work has undergone significant and deep reform in recent year. In large part this is attributable to significant advances that have been made across the forensic sciences, especially in respect to the rapidly accelerating capacity to locate, collect, and analyze genetic materials this is why the sheriffs department is now able to reopen and solve more cases than in previous years (Innes and Clarke, 2009). In order to reope n a case there must be new information. Cherokee county has a variety of cultures with the county line. The deputies come in contact with language barriers and culture differences. You have the huge Hispanic community and then you have the white and black communities. The training which the deputies receive is more of an ethical training. Standards for ethical training are set by The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies. Then the department adds onto the standards set by CALEA. They do not receive any training on how to speak to the Hispanic community, however there are Spanish speaking individuals who work for the department. The department also now makes sure that every shift has an individual who is fluent in Spanish working with them. Some of the deputies I spoke with even said that they experienced a culture shock. That they were not prepared for the culture and community they now had to provide service to. The department does not offer any form of skill training to prepare their deputies for the d iversity within the county. Heather Wyatt-Nichol and George Franks (2009) found in their article that Many professionals and organizations in the law enforcement community hold that ethics training bridges the gap between written policies and actual behavior by introducing or reinforcing rules and expectations of behavior. Ethics instruction exposes officers to ethical dilemmas and scenarios through training prior to hitting the streets or moving up in rank. The ethical training is what keeps Cherokee County deputies grounded and professional. How the culture differences in the county also play a major role in the composition of the adult detention center inmates as well. Jennifer McMahon-Howard The adult detention center system in Cherokee is very small compared to other adult detention center systems. With over 544 inmates, there are eight housing pods in the adult detention center and fourteen inmates on each floor. There are both females and males in the adult detention center. The gender composition of the adult detention center is about 86.21% male and 13.79% female. Out of the males percentage the racial compositions is 66.10% white, 19.19% black, 14.50% Hispanic, and 0.21% other. The female composition is racially divided with 81.33% being white, 16.00% black, 2.67% Hispanic, and 0.00% other. The racial composition of the adult detention center is a reflection of the county. In the 2009 Census, Cherokee County population was composed of 81.1% white, 6.2% black, 9.4% Hispanic, and 3.3% other. If majority of the county is of the white race than the majority of the composition of the adult detention center will be of the white race. With composition of the adult detenti on center being so drastic officers have to be fully aware of their environment. Victims in Cherokee County are treated like victims regardless if they are legal or illegal. The department offers different services with help line numbers to the victims of crimes. One of the services they provide to victims of family violence is The Cherokee Family Violence Center (CFVC). The information for their services comes on a small business card, which deputies are able to hand out if there is a victim. The business card list contact information as well information on how to handle a case of family violence. CFVC is an emergency shelter which provides a 24 hour crisis hotline. They also have other valuable services such as therapy for children and they even serve as a legal advocacy. CFVC has even taking their service to the next step by making their services available to Hispanics. Cherokee County also has a program where they keep the victim inform of the whereabouts of the offenders, The Cherokee County Victim-Witness Assistance Program. The program is called Victim Information Notification Everyday (VINE). These program uses computer technology and the telephone system to provide offender custody information 24 hours a day. The system provides the custody status to the victim, including arrest, release, and transfer information. The victim is known only by a pin number. The deputies participate in different activities prepare them for these kind of events; the deputies never know what they are about walk into when called out to domestic dispute. The training which the department provides to its deputies is very necessary it prepares them for different situations, including victims which may be undocumented or illegal. There is not a police written on how to handle a victim, so many of the deputies rely on their discretion, training, and ethical values. When dealing with any victim along with the policies set forth by the department, the training received plays a role as well. On the departments website it states th at CALEA Accreditation facilitates an agencys pursuit of professional excellence, so the deputies are always presenting and representing the department in a manner which is very professional. Cherokee Sheriffs Department receives training in classes on ethics to get them prepared for the victims who may be here illegally or those of a different culture. In Kenneth Dowlera and Raymond Sparks (2008) article, on the relationship between law enforcement and victims, states that victims might have direct contact with police by reporting their victimization, although some victims choose not to report the crime. Thus the attitudes of some crime victims toward police might be influenced by the quality of their contact with police. The way that deputies and the department present themselves to victims of crime must be professional. This is the only way to build a relationship with the undocumented victims or those of a different culture. One of the deputies stated that sometimes it is difficult to get across to a victim that you are there to help them because they are scared. He went on to say that in many Mexican areas the police are corrupt so there is not a victim-police relationship. Jennifer Chacà ³n states that unauthorized peoples are more vulnerable to threats because they [perpetrators] know that efforts to seek legal recourse can results in protracted immigration detention, criminal prosecution, and, of course removal., the deputies of Cherokee County believe that any person, regardless of their citizenship, is a victim if a crime has being committed against them, before they are an illegal. So they use their discretion and to maintain a healthy relationship with the victims of crimes. Ella Ballard Discretion is defined by Terenceas Daintith as a legally constituted power of decision. It is a staple element in both administrative and contractual arrangements, but whereas its judicial control provides the core of administrative law, it is hardly even acknowledged as an issue in the standard authorities on contract (2005). Discretion can be found in an officers decision to use a legal sanction. That is, an officer exercises discretion in whether to stop a traffic offender, to give a ticket, or to make an arrest. Some police officers operate in an environment where they are frequently alone in their contacts with citizens causing them to move expeditiously to diffuse situations. Each officer is different and may have pet peeves about certain violations whether in the community or while in confinement, community perceptions are important because the department wants the majority of the community to be supportive. However, officers that work more from emotions rather than factual re presentation tend to abuse the use of discretion. In communities where the officers knew the people in community the violations may be dealt with differently because they are familiar those individuals. The perception of the offense to the officer is what influences the treatment of the party involved. The use of discretion can be closely related to how the officers worked with one another, being that they spend a significant amount of time on cases together causes them to seek peer advice. An officer influence on discretions can derive from many elements. When the nature of the crime has a child involve the deputy may tend to be more aggressive toward the alleged criminal, especially if they have a child of their own. Another major element is the department policy. If the department makes it a policy that everyone who is stopped in a traffic stop gets a ticket then that is what the officer must follow. In Cherokee County, the sheriff has made it where no one gets a ticket driving over 10 mile per hour. Scott Phillips (2008) makes a point in his article about the use of discretions when he states, Officers use discretion in traffic-stop decisions, but many state legislatures now require departments to gather traffic-stop data to study and potentially deter racial profiling. Many agencies make it very difficult for deputies to use their own discretion, especially since profiling can become an issue. The organizational structure of the Cherokee County Sheriffs Office is decentralized. Before the decentralized structure the department was centralized. The structure of the agency is very important because it dictates who report to whom and it also determines the response time. In the decentralized structure everything goes through a chain of individual before it comes to the desk of Sheriff Garrison. The captain runs just the shift in the decentralized structure. This includes all precincts. Each shift has one captain, so it is more work for the captain in the decentralized structure. In the centralized structure the captain ran just the precinct. Every deputy in that precinct would report to that captain. With the centralized structure everyone was on one page and was able to know what was going on in the precinct at the beginning of each shift because they were being ran by one person. With the decentralized structure each shift is ran differently and the adjustment from one shif t to another is difficult. Each organizational structure works, however majority of the individual I spoke with thought that the centralized structure worked better for the agency. At the top of the organizational chart is Sheriff Garrison and at the bottom of the chart is the detention centers Chaplin. Before you get to the sheriff, there is Chief Vic West and the special operations unit. Beside the special operations units are also the individual over the accreditation and certification. Special operations, which is ran by Captain Satterfield, and Headquarters Operation, ran by Captain Martin, works together and very closely with each other. Underneath training and accreditation are adult detention center operations, uniform patrol operations, investigative operations, and emergency management. The agencys organizational structure has many departments to maintain. I was assigned to the training department, but I got to speed majority of my time with the patrol unit. From the patrol unit, I spent some time within the detention center and then the courts. The time spent in the detention center was the worse for me, however there I got to visit the other departments of the agency. Within the agency you have the S.W.A.T unit, V.I.P.E.R, CID, K-9, the GCIC, patrol, and intelligence; only to name a few. V.I.P.E.R, which is acronym for Violent Incident Pro-active Enforcement Response, targets high crime areas in Cherokee. They are in conjunction with SWAT, CMANS (narcotics unit), and the gang unit. Their main purpose is to reduce criminal activities and certain areas. They also assist other units in the agency. CID is the agency investigation division. They investigate all crimes after the report has being made by the deputies. S.W.A.T is the departments most prestige unit. The un it trains on a daily bases and also participate in different mock rescue drills. The agencys website states that, all team members are required to pass a rigorous physical fitness test and demonstrate elevated shooting skills with a variety of specialized weapons. There are currently ten members, however there is only one lady apart S.W.A.T. Cherokee County Sheriffs Office has so many different units, but it training unit is what prepare the deputies for those situations where their life depend on it. Before the start of my internship with this agency, I spoke with a gentleman by the name of Captain Joe Satterfield. He explained to me all the interns duties and responsibilities and gave me the forms in which I needed to fill out. Captain Satterfield appeared to b very straight forward, and from the tone in his voice it appeared he really enjoyed what he does. I later learned that the emotions I experienced during my time with Captain Satterfield were feelings I would feel with everyone in the department I came in contact with. Captain Satterfield began his career in law enforcement 19 years ago when he was the age of 22 years old. He chose this career because he felt like it was an exciting way of living and that seemed like something fun to do. Before he started his career he attended Abraham Baldwin College. There he received his associates degree in criminal justice and a technical degree in law enforcement. Once Captain Satterfield got a job with Cherokee he received a scholarship to further his education. The scholarship came through the department from Reinhardt College. Satterfield received his bachelors degree in history and he also graduated magna cum laude. After graduating he enrolled into Columbus States graduate program, where he received his masters degree in public administration. Satterfield has had a great impact on the Cherokee Sheriffs Department. His career path started with him being in the adult detention center for about a year, every deputy starts in the adult detention center. From the adult detention center he moved very quickly to the uniform patrol unit, where he stayed for about eight and half years. Mr. Satterfield was promoted to sergeant then to lieutenant with that division. He was then to the training division where he remained for eight years. Currently Captain Satterfield is the commander over all of the following units; S.W.A.T., K-9, negotiation and biking. However, out all the position Satterfield has being over, he felt like training was the position which made the greatest impact to the department. He stated that the decision he made about training not only made an impact on the deputies but also the mannerism they would approach different situations. Training goes a long way especially when it is done the right way. Captain Satterfield is happy where within his career. He states that he would not change anything or do anything differently. He went on to explain the key to keeping family life separate from work life. Satterfield explained to always be focus on what you are doing and be able to commit to that situation. He explains that everyone will come to that point in their career where it is a challenge to maintain the family and work, but you must stay focused. The person has to approach the situation in the right manner. When you are talking to your child you are a parent; you are not the drill instructor from training anymore. Satterfield does not have any plans on running for the Sheriff of Cherokee County. As I conversed with Captain Satterfield I acquired that he feels like he has a greater interest in law enforcement and being Sheriff will not give him that hands on experience he likes. During our conversation I asked him if he could briefly describe himself in five powerful words in w hich he chose the following words; leader, disciplinary, manager, professional, and inspirational. If I had to describe my internship to another student while trying to sell them the experience which I have had, I would begin with get plenty of rest. There is land and more land, with plenty of cows and farms. I would go on to explain that the individual are very in tune with their career and down to earth. The individual of Cherokee are kind and love talking. There are a few deputies who must break the ice with before you began to ask questions. I would then inform them of the many houses which they would see form the ride-along. Be prepare to eat too because the deputies love to eat. Ask plenty of questions as well. There is so much to be learned at this internship, but you have to ask first. The internship is very similar to a job with the sheriffs department. The internship starts in the am and ends in the pm. It is a 12 hour shift but if there is nothing really to do then you can always work on school work. An internship with a sheriffs department will allow you to experience everything within the county. The internship is not like one with the Drug Enforcement Agency or Marietta Police Department; however, it is one that you will always remember. Interning with the Cherokee County Sheriffs Office was one of the greatest experiences of my life. The officers I worked with gave me the opportunity to participate in all of the excitement that the sheriffs office has to offer; they were more than willing to teach, explain, and support me throughout the entirety of my internship. This experience has helped strengthened my career preparation for this field of work within law enforcement. Doing an internship really helps you gain a unique perspective into the world of law enforcement. I now look at some of the problems many young individual have with law enforcement and I am able to evaluate the problem to come to an answer. I have learned a lot of skills that will help me gain a career with a local law enforcement agency; minor the physical agility test. Some of the skills that I have learned this year include the dispatch codes, filling out paper work, and different policies and procedures. Along with these skills I also was able to gain an appreciation for the work that the law enforcement does. I feel as though I have learned more about the criminal justice system and the way it functions. From interning the schedule which the deputies work, 12 hour shifts, I was able to see and sometimes feel the strain of the job. I also helped fill out citations and enter the report in on file. Everything must have a paper trail when it comes to law enforcement. If it is not written down then it does not exist. I notice from looking at how evidence is handled that, even though it is a lot of paperwork, the paper helps protect the deputy and the department. Every hand that touches the evidence must sign it, therefore to where the evidence has been and how it got there. I also learned valuable lessons just from talking to different people through this internship; wisdom goes a long way. They held nothing back and I felt as though they were straight forward when answering any of my questions. Deputy McElroy gave me the chance to experience everything from riding with the officers to sitting with them in the court rooms. I now also have a better understanding of what the sheriff department means to a county and it citizens. While I have learned a lot in my four years of Criminal Justice classes between Augusta State and Kennesaw State, I do not believe anything can really compare to what I learned during my time as an intern with the sheriffs office. College course can provide us with the different facts and figures on the crime rate and the victimization rate. A teacher can give the class a hypothetical situation to be analyzed and create a solution. All of these different in class situations are usually observed and felt by others. To actually participate in these real life situations has a learning value above and beyond any typical classroom made of strictly course work. I would strongly recommend the Cherokee County Sheriff Office internship to the next student. Participating in an internship gave me an idea of what to expect to a certain degree in the area of law enforcement, along with a vast number of general skills. I have gained an appreciation for the knowledge obtained through communication with the deputies. I was able to network and establish professional relationships, which will assist me in whichever path of law enforcement I choose to pursue. I  feel privileged for being able to fulfill the opportunity I received to work with the men and women at the Cherokee County Sheriffs Office. My internship experiences have been worthwhile and very instrumental to my future plans as an individual in law enforcement. I will continuously build onto the amount of knowledge that I have obtained from this internship. The field of law enforcement can be difficult as one of the deputies stated, but I was afforded a good start with the Cherokee County Sheriffs Office.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Personification of Death in Jean Cocteau’s Orpheus Essay -- Movie

The Personification of Death in Jean Cocteau’s Orpheus The personification of Death is done by means of a princess of the Underworld in Jean Cocteau’s Orpheus. This Princess is very powerful, yet surprisingly vulnerable. For no one is allowed to love in the Underworld, the Princess falls in love with a famous poet named Orpheus and goes to drastic measures to be with him. But in the end she cannot be with her love, and she realizes this and does what is forbidden in the Underworld and defies time and sends back her love to whom he loved before her. Death in Cocteau’s Orpheus is not only powerful and vulnerable, but she also changes throughout the course of the movie. Three elements support that the Princess changes throughout the course of the film and what brings about this change. These elements are dialogue, clothing and appearance, and actions. One way that Cocteau creates the Princess’ character by the usage of dialogue. The powerful Princess Death is a very harsh, and controlling character at the beginning of the movie. She is seen as very authoritarian and demanding. The first scene in which the viewer encounters the princess, she orders Cegeste, Heurtebise, and Orpheus. This is the first time that the princess is ever seen by Orpheus and the first words that she speaks to him are very harsh and demanding. The Princess is accompanied by a young poet named Cegeste, and when Cegeste is killed by the motorcyclists she orders Orpheus to help her and to come as a witness. She then continues her orders by ordering the chauffer, Heurtebise, to not go to the hospital, but to go â€Å"the usual route†. She continues in her harsh tone of voice by ordering the motorcyclists. Every person that the Princess converses with in the begin... ...s also seen when she can kill people with a single glance and then raise them to be her servant in the Underworld. She chooses to raise Cegeste to be her personal slave. Her vulnerability is displayed when she watches Orpheus sleep. Despite the Princess’ power, she becomes vulnerable and defies the rules of the Underworld and return’s Orpheus back to life. This action proves that the Princess has a true love for Orpheus and does not worry about the consequences of doing what her heart feels right. Cocteau suggests that there is a higher power than even Death itself. The Princess personifies Death, but she is controlled by the Committee of the Underworld. If she were the most powerful facet of Death, then she would not be controlled by anyone or anything. Therefore, the Princess in Jean Cocteau’s Orpheus represents not Death, but one of the many faces of Death.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Television and Its Imapact on Society Essay -- essays papers

Television and Its Imapact on Society Introduction Vladimir Kosma Zworykin created a rudimentary versionof the television in 1924; however, the first realistically working television was made possible by Philo Taylor Farnsworth in the 1940s. These televisions were exceptionally expensive, consequently only the affluent members of society had access to them. It was only in 1960 beginning with the presidential election that the television became fashionable to the common public. From that moment on, television has had an immense impact on nearly every facet of our social order, from political affairs to child behavior. This paper will observe some of the more remarkable proceedings and issues television has, and is still, concerned with. Ultimately, this essay will conclude with the nature of influence this solitary device has had on our way of life throughout the years. Vietnam War Television can, and in many cases does, transform the public attitude of political events, as was illustrated in the Vietnam War. During the Vietnam War, Hollywood began generating films in order to rouse controversy over the war. These films were filled with anti-war propaganda and allusions to World War II, which triggered America?s contempt for American involvement in the Vietnam crisis. Upon seeing this and becoming conscious of the threat Hollywood posed, the government began to use those same strategies against the cinematographers. Government documentaries began to come on the scene to give significance to what was happening in Vietnam. From that point on, the Vietnam War became a ?television war? because it was said that more citizens were watching the television than the actual war. Journalists began to show ?history through camera lens.? One such journalist is Walter Cronkite. Cronkite visited Vietnam after the Tet Offensive, and publicized his conclusions on national television. His remark that ?the [Vietnam] War can not be won honorably? caused Lyndon B. Johnson to withdraw himself from the Democratic Primary Election. Vocal oppositions to the war pealed out across the country as a result of the television broadcasts. Rallies, protests and demonstrations began draft-resistance movements. Scenes of cruelty, maimings, bombings, dying Americans, and fleeing refugees flooded American homes everyday. Reporters did everything in their power to... and social decline in America. Bibliography: Bailey, William C. ?Murder, Capital Punishment, and Television: Execution Publicity and Homicide Rates?, American Sociological Review, Vol. 55, No. 5,(October 1990) Boyer, Paul S., et. al. The Enduring Vision. Lexington, Massachusetts: D.C. Heath and Company, 1996. Cook, Thomas D., et. al. ?The Implicit Assumptions of Television Research: An Analysis of the 1982 NIMH Report on Television and Behavior?, Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 47, No. 2, (Summer, 1983) Grabber, Doris A. ?Press and Television as Opinion Resources in President Campaigns?,Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 40, No. 3, (Autumn, 1976) Hallin, Daniel C. ?The Media, the War in Vietnam, and Political Support: A Critique of the Thesis of an Oppositional Media?, The Journal of Politics, Vol. 46, No. 1 (February 1984) Hillard, Robert L. ?Television and Education?, Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 29, No. 8, (November, 1958)? Is the Problem with Television or Viewers, American Enterprise. March, 1999 Rollins, Peter C. ?The Vietnam War: Perceptions Through Literature, Film, and Television?, American Quarterly, Vol. 36, No. 3. (1984)

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Chaucers The Canterbury Tales Essay -- Chaucer Canterbury Tales Essay

Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales While the majority of literary classics today do well at engaging the reader and allowing them a vicarious understanding of a fictitious character’s life, Chaucer found a way to engage more than just the reader and the character. In his Canterbury Tales, Chaucer masterfully links together himself as the author, himself as a character in the story, the other characters, and then finally the readers. Chaucer’s â€Å"narrative flow† forms a type of giant sphere, where connections can be made from both characters and real people to characters connecting with other characters. Starting with Chaucer-the man, it is apparent that he is looking at his characters, the pilgrims on their journey. As he is writing their stories and descriptions, Chaucer is creating them to emulate people he has found in real life. Chaucer watches his own created characters to see how they react and therefore expresses his personal views of certain classes of people. Chaucer-the man also sees Chaucer-the pilgrim. Like his created pilgrims in the story, Chaucer has found a way to put ...