Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Philosophy -210: Appearance vs. Reality Essay

Abstract What is knowledge? How do we come to have knowledge? What are the different sources of knowledge? How do we know anything at all? The philosophers and theories I will cover here are not concerned with knowledge itself but how we actually gain knowledge. How do we gain knowledge? Are we born with it? How do we know what we’ve learned is real. That is some of the questions these philosophers try to answer with their theories on knowledge. But do we agree or disagree with them? That is the question. Introduction. Before we begin discussing philosophers and their theories we must have a basic understanding of Epistemology which is the branch of philosophy concerned with the study of knowledge and belief. There are two schools of thought in epistemology, rationalism and empiricism. Empiricists like Bertrand Russell and David Hume believe that sense experience is the ultimate starting point for all knowledge and that knowledge is obtained from experience only. But yet rationalist like Rene Descartes claimed that the ultimate starting point for all knowledge is not the senses but reason and that knowledge can only be obtained through logic and reasoning. Philosophy is not a waste of time! It is a way to open new doors within one’s mind. (Bertrand Russell. ) Bertrand Russell’s essay on appearance versus reality attempts to do just that and open one’s mind to considering how things we see are not really as they seem. Is there any knowledge in the world which is so certain that no reasonable person could doubt it? Bertrand Russell circa (1872-1970) page. 73-77 & page. 82 – 86. Russell believed that all knowledge is ultimately derived from our sensory perceptions of the world around us. Russell coined the term â€Å"sense data† in his attempt to discern the relationship between appearance and reality. Sensory data is how an individual would perceive things based on touch, smell, taste, sight, or auditory stimulation. Can it not be manipulated? If an individual is under the influence of alcohol or drugs is there sensory information not impaired by the effects of both. I believe the point Russell is trying to make is that what is real to us may not be real at all. But do you agree with him. What would his counter parts think of his theories? Would Descartes agree? What about Hume. Rene Descartes circa (1596-1650) page. 87-91 Descartes believed that pure reason is the most reliable form of knowledge, he was a rationalist. He did not believe that the information gained through our senses was reliable and that our senses could be deceived. He doubted the reliability of sense perception and believed that knowledge could only be obtained through the methodical application of reason. With that said, what would Descartes’s think of Bertrand Russell’s theories regarding how knowledge is obtained? Would Russell’s theories conflict with his own? * I believe Descartes would challenge Russell’s theories by arguing that you could not rely solely on sensory information in order to gain knowledge. Descartes would say that we experience sensory stimulation while sleeping therefore we cannot only rely on sensory input as the only form of learning. He would claim that certain things in the universe are naturally constant and not open to interpretation or manipulation. III. David Hume circa (1711-1776) page 108-117 David Hume believed that all human knowledge is based on relations amongst ideas or what he called sense impressions, and that knowledge depends entirely on the evidence provided by our senses. Therefore anything not given an experience is a mere invention and must be discarded. He believed that human reason or inquiry could be divided into two categories, relations of ideas and matter of fact. As with Russell, Hume was an empiricist. He was more concerned about what and how we know and not with what is actually the case. Although Hume and Russell differed in their philosophical theories I believe they would agree with one another to an extent. Conclusion I can’t say I disagree with any one of the philosophers theories referenced in the text. In fact I personally believe that you have to apply all of their theories in order to gain knowledge. We do learn from example and from experience, but yet some things can’t be explained by logic and reasoning. Are babies not born hungry? If they are born with no knowledge how do they know they’re hungry. I believe in order to truly gain knowledge you must keep an open mind to all possibilities and forms of learning. Works Cited â€Å"Bertrand Russell. † (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). N. p. , n. d. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. . Cahn, Steven M. Exploring Philosophy: An Introductory Anthology. New York: Oxford UP, 2000. Print. â€Å"David Hume. † (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). N. p. , n. d. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. . â€Å"Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. † Hume, DavidA []. N. p. , n. d. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. . â€Å"Online Research in Philosophy. † Steven M. Cahn (ed. ), Exploring Philosophy: An Introductory Anthology. N. p. , n. d. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. . â€Å"Rene Descartes. † Rene Descartes. N. p. , n. d. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. .

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How Does Charles Dickens Create Sympathy In Great Expectations? Essay

Dickens uses many ways to create sympathy for his characters in great expectations this is very useful in a successful novel as it will help to sell and not only that more people will want to buy it. Charles Dickens uses many ways to achieve sympathy for his characters such as the use of vivid descriptions with powerful adjectives, the setting is also used very well to great effect as it is a great way to create sympathy â€Å"The small bundle of shivers growing afraid of it all and beginning to cry was Pip† this is just one way that Dickens uses to create sympathy for his characters in Great Expectations. Dickens also uses many other ways to create sympathy for his characters such as the use of adjectives. The adjective ‘overgrown’ shows an unloved place of which no one cares how it looks, also it could be full of weeds and plants this adds to the impression created by the mind. Dickens also uses the setting to enhance the feeling of sympathy ‘bleak place overgrown with nettles was the church yard’ in this the adjective ‘bleak’ gives on impression of an exposed barren also cold and damp place. The whole sentence creates an impression of a dismal place. This enhances the sense of sympathy. For his characters I am going to focus on three main characters theses are; Pip, Magwitch and Miss Havisham. I am going to use some character of less importance these are; Estella, Joe and Pip’s sister. In addition, I am going to use two main texts and these are; pip in the churchyard and the meeting of Miss Havisham also, I am going to add elements of the novel I think there are other points that creates sympathy for pip than these two texts. When we first meet Pip, he is sitting in an isolated village churchyard staring at his parents’ tombstones. The village churchyard is described as a â€Å"†¦ Bleak place overgrown with nettles† giving the setting an image of dismal place unloved and uncared for. The adjective â€Å"bleak† aids the description as it means bare or desolated and also it often means wind swept this helps aid the description of the church yard as this describe it well because a church yard is often very sombre or a very upsetting place . Pip was in the churchyard where his parents were buried, along with his five brothers instantly we feel sorry for him as he has no living relatives except for his older sister . â€Å"†¦ Five little stone lozenges each about a foot and a half long† from this we know his brothers have died and have been buried in a row. Pip’s brothers would have most probably have died or stop trying to earn a living. Pips younger brothers would not have gone to school, as there was no education for those who could not afford it. At this time, many people were poor and could not afford it. Additionally, there was no NHS service but also there was some medical service but you would have to be rich enough to afford it. From the text we know both his parents had died by;† I never saw my father or mother† this gives us a sense of sympathy and loneliness also â€Å"†¦ I never saw any likeliness of them†. Pip never saw his parents or what they look like later on in the text we realise that the only impression of his parents are derived from there grave stones and more so from the lettering . Pip probably saw no reference to what his parent looked like as at this time there were no camera’s to take a photo of the times they spent together as this is why he saw no likeness of them also his parents probably died because the were mo medicine or you had to be rich to get some. Also later on in the novel his only living relative beats pip up.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Introduction to Quality Assurance

One of the important aspects of any healthcare organization is the quality assurance mechanism.   Any healthcare organization would have to be professionally competent, ensuring that the processes in the organization would ultimately ensure the safety of the services provided.   The organization should develop an effective strategy of handling the quality issues. It is important that the administrators understand the importance of quality, develop a quality assurance program, implement it in a phased manner over a period of time, release resources needed for quality assurance, utilize appropriate quality tools, develop and maintain processes and develop an appropriate auditing system.   Some of the quality assurance tools utilized include management tools, presentation tools and statistical analysis tools.   Some of the process deployment tools include marketing tools, tools for changing behavior, etc (Software Certifications, 2006). As healthcare sector is a vital industry, it is very important that quality assurance is given prime importance by the organization.   One of the very important aspects is customer satisfaction and reducing risk.   Protection of patients is the most important aspect of quality assurance.   However, not less important is to ensure that cost-effectiveness and responsive attitude is maintained.   All these significantly contribute towards bringing about patient satisfaction (LRQA, 2003). Some of the measures that may be required for quality assurance include:- Having a quality assurance program in priority areas Responding to the needs of the public appropriately Identifying means by which costs can be reduced and implementing a strategy to save costs Developing best practices mechanisms Accreditation in order to improve quality standards Not only achieving certain quality standards but upgrading them frequently Having an effective decision-making and problem-solving process in the organization (Gonzalez, 2006). References: Gonzalez, M. (2006). â€Å"Health Care Sector Reform and Quality Assurance in Costa Rica.’ Retrieved on April 11, 2008, from QA Project Web site: Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Limited (2003). â€Å"Quality in the healthcare sector.† Retrieved on April 11, 2008, from LRQA Review Web site: Software Certifications (2006). â€Å"2006 CSQA Body of Knowledge.† Retrieved on April 11, 2008, from Software Certifications Web site:

The effect of smoking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

The effect of smoking - Essay Example Excessive smoking leads to discoloring of the smokers teeth where they turn brown or yellow in color. This is an effect that may not be realized in the early smoking stages, but it becomes observable over the years. Smoking can as well ruin the finances of an individual. Smokers tend to ignore their basic expenses thus giving preference to expenditure on cigarettes. To curb this surging problem, certain nations have increased taxes on cigarettes. This increased the prices of the cigarettes making it unaffordable to smokers. This has led to an increase in spending on cigarette smoking as the smokers continue to smoke the same number of cigarettes in a day. Cigarettes smoking increased the risk of heart attacks and lung cancers. The tar in the tobacco coats the lungs forming soot that eventually lead to development of lung cancer. Heart attacks are associated with the increase in the rate of the heart rate which strains the heart and the blood vessels (Graves, 34). This thus has a profound effect on the heart which may lead to heart attacks. These are some of the reasons due to which smokers should quit smoking and engage in more productive and healthy activities. The harmful effects of smoking on the smokers are staggering. Unless the smokers quit they will be exposed to these hazardous effects which may even lead to their early

Sunday, July 28, 2019

COINS CASH MACHINE Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

COINS CASH MACHINE - Coursework Example Porter?s five forces will be applied with regards to the viability of the proposed development. Introduction A cash machine is an electronic dispositive from which individuals with a banking card can deposit and withdraw paper money. A digital coin is a form of electronic payment)qfinance). A coin cash machine contains a housing which has an opening by which cash coins or a magnetic card may be input in order to conduct a transaction (Google Patents, 2011). The contemporary coins cash machine was invented by Yoshihgiro Watanabe. The US patent number is US4733765. The original issue date for this patent is 1972. The initial assignee is Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba. The present United States of America categorization of this patent is 194-206; 209-534; 221/12; 235-379; 273/3.01; 271/3.12; 271/160; 453/3; 902/11; 902/12; D20/4. The international categorization of the US patent for the contemporary cash management dispositive is G07F704 B07C502. The US patent which was originally invented by Yoshihiro watanabe was modified to US patent number US4023011. The initial assignee of the modified patent is Tokyo Shibaura Electric Co. Ltd. This patent is titled automatic bank note depositing machine. The US patent on the cash management dispositive which was US4023011 was modified to US patent number US4372478 on February 8th , 1983 to a fare recuperation system and the systems contained. The initial assignee of the revised patent is General Railway Signal Company. The original invention by Yoshihiro Watanabe was issued to POM, Inc. on Novemeber 14, 1989. This refernce is titled park card system for electronic parking meter. The second relevant reference is titled Parameter control system for electronic parking meter, patent number US4967895 (Google Patents 2011). The most relevant reference to the original invention by Yoshihiro watanabe was issued on April 9th , 1991. The relevant US patent was issued to Nippon Conlux co. Ltd. as a dispositive for validating and collecting p aper money and coins. The next relevant US patent was issued to Nippon Conlux co Ltd. on March 3rd, 1992. The designation of this dispositive is a device for choosing and dispensing paper currency with a magnetic card. The next relevant patent which was referenced to the original invention by Yoshihiro Watanabe was issued to Hitachi, Ltd. On February 16th, 1993, the disposive which was refernced to the original invention by Yoshihiro Watanabe is designated patent number US5186334. This disposive is designated as a bank note management system of a continuous type. The next relevant reference to the original invention by Yoshihiro Watanabe was issued to Coinstar, Inc. on September 1, 1998. The US patent number issued is US5799767. This device is designated as a maintenance dispositive and a system for a coin currency enumerator and a voucher administrator system (Google Patents 2011). The next relevant reference to the original invention by Yoshihiro Watanabe was issued on April 27th , 1999 to Capital Security Systems, Inc. This disposive is designated as an automated document cashing method. The US patent number is US5897625. The next relevant refernce was issued on November 16th, 1999 to Capital Security Systems, Inc. This dispositive was designated as an automated banking system for making change on a card or user account. The US patent number which was designated is US5987439. The next relevant reference number to the original patent number US4733765 which was invented by Yoshihiro Wata

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Global business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Global business - Essay Example Particularly this discussion will be looking at the issues that American businesses going in Russia need to understand in order to formulate effective entry strategy. These two countries have major cultural difference in language, authority, customs and norms thus conducting businesses in Russia present a communication and management challenge. Communication is essential for any business, Russia unlike America has several official language due to the large number of ethnic communities of about one hundred (Bloshteyn, 2007). This will need the company to have people who understand a variety of these ethnic languages while in US English is their official language. Body language help to convey certain messages like nodding the head to show agreement Russians do not use body language as such like Americans do but are said to be very emotion for instance they can walk out on you during a meeting to show disagreement. Authority in Russia is centralized and chain of commands are from top to bottom and the juniors staff are expected to perform their tasks without any questioning while the Americans top managers give directions and give room for debating. Russians organizational structures are very bureaucratic in nature and this makes it difficult to do business for instance according to an executive director of Russo-British commerce chamber Stephen Danziel, ‘‘you have to fill forms for all most everything and have them signed by the right authorities usually in triplicate’’. According to Trompenaars & Woolliams ( 2003), culture is the core value of any society, businesses have to understand the cultural background of the customer in order to be able to meet their needs. The ideologies and gender views of these two countries are different, Russians are seen as communalism and believe in collectivity while Americans are entrepreneurship and very competitive. Therefore Amer icans businesses need to be aware of these background which will enable the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Survey of Human Resource Management db 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Survey of Human Resource Management db 3 - Essay Example The following discussion focuses on employee retention and how organizations can enhance upward mobility. Organizations should be able to provide a well defined career path for all positions in their organizations. As stated by Shore (2013), organizations can increase their percentage of employee retention by helping their employees envision credible rewards such as salary increment, promotion, performance rewards, and bonuses. This should be available for the junior staff, supervisors, line managers and the top management of an organization. It is important to note that the line managers and top management are the most often affected and may be at risk of leaving because they may feel that their careers have stalled at the present organizations. Well defined career paths can be provided through effective performance management practices where you talk to your employees about their goals and aspirations. Employees inputs serves as a point of departure upon which human resource managers can brainstorm ways to structure job descriptions not only to accommodate employees’ goals and aspirations but also to advance them in a well structured career path. In this regard, attention should be given to alternative career paths that define a more personal employee aspiration since most career paths do not reflect employees’ personal goals. This is not only important in fostering career retention but also important in creating a work environment which promote growth and development (Chhabra & Mishra, 2008). The second strategy for enhancing upward mobility and promoting retention is by fostering skill building through education assistance and cross-training for all employees. Cross training is an important strategy since it helps employees acquire new skills, stay motivated and become more interested in their job. Employees often value opportunities that are available to them

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Australian Election and Voting Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Australian Election and Voting Behaviour - Essay Example This paper uses data from the 2001 Australian Election Study (AES), to investigate the level of party identification, political attitudes and voting behaviour in the election in Australia.This paper finds that whereas a weakening in the strength of party identification is associated with the potential significance of the development of the major1 and minor parties2. Partisan de-alignment is also changing the dynamics of the determinants of turnout. Since non-identifiers are more strongly influenced by the political context than strong identifiers, and there are now more non-identifiers than previously, the political context is becoming a more important factor in determining whether people vote or not. A question of potential importance is whether to study vote in the House of Representatives or in the Senate, or even possibly party identification. In part, this is because the voting system in the Senate is more 'minor party-friendly' because of its more proportional outcomes, but a f urther reason for examining Senate vote is the greater consistency in choice offered to voters (Charnock, 2004). In the House, voters in each of the electoral divisions (of which there are usually just fewer than 150) face differing choices, with (apart from the possible importance of electorate-specific issues and personalities) not all parties offering candidates in every contest. In particular, it becomes impossible to separately analyse voters for the National and Liberal parties: in view of the way in which One Nation apparently obtained much of its support in National areas, this is an important deficiency for 1998 in particular.3 In the last two decades, Australian major political parties, like those in other western democracies, have faced serious problems. These include challenges to the relevance of their traditional ideologies and institutional support bases, slipping memberships and rank and file participation, declining party identification, an erosion of confidence in majoritarian party government and the rise of new parties and social movements (Marsh 1995; Smith 1998). Party Identification Party identification is a political term to describe a voter's underlying allegiance to a political party. The term was first used in the world politics in the 1950s, but use of the term has decreased in usage as the process of party dealignment has accelerated. Party identification is a pychological attachment toward a political party that tends to influence a person's decisions on social, economic and political issues. Some researchers view party identification as " a form of social identity" (Hershey, 101), in the same way that a person identifies with a religious or ethnic group. This identity develops early in a person's life mainly through family and social influences. This description would make party identification a stable perspective, which develops as a consequence of personal, family, social and environmental factors. Other researchers consider party identification to be more flexible and more of a conscious choice. They see it as a position and a choice based on the cont inued assessment of the political, economic and social environment. A person who identifies with a particular political party is called a partisan. The partisan accepts the standard beliefs

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Issues in corrections Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Issues in corrections - Essay Example According to research, the correctional systems are running out of ideas on how to manage the issues affecting the correctional systems. The United States of America correctional systems are believed to be one of the most advanced prison system globally. This is because of the increased crime rates in the country. However, like other countries globally the American correctional system faces many issues that tend to be hard for the legal system to handle. There is one major issue of overcrowding in the prisons that have been caused by high crime rates, harsh laws made by the legal system for certain offenses, high rate of criminals returned to jail for committing felonies and long term sentences for certain offenses (Scott, 2010). The rate of the population of inmates is growing faster making it hard for the prisons to hold the capacity. The issue of high population in prison has pushed the legal system to set free the well-behaved criminals in prison, which has posed a threat to society (Scott, 2010). The law is forced to release the criminals to create space for the other criminals. Criminals serving long sentences are freed through good behavior and presidential pardons. Alternatively, according to researchers, some prisoners are pretenders who only pretend to behave well so that they are set free and proceed to carry out their vengeance on the witnesses who testified against them in court. The problem for the correctional system not being able to accommodate the criminals until they are has posed a major threat to society. Over population in the correctional system has also led to various problems to the inmates. The inmate’s health is at risk due to various airborne diseases caused by overcrowding. Diseases can also emerge from the dirty toilets shared by the large number of prisoners. Prisoner’s health has also in turn affected the economy of the country trying to treat various diseases that arise among prisoners like HIV/ AIDs,

Executives Pay Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Executives Pay - Essay Example Furthermore, the article argues that shortage of good executives would drive pay up even further in the future. The top 250 executives do not have a big difference in talent; it's merely a case of the size of the company these executives run. Also, Lucian Bebchuk argues that pay is not parallel to performance or productivity, and that CEO's take great care to hide their true compensation. The practices of the bankers brought the financial system on the brink of collapse. After help from taxpayer dollars, the financial system is getting back to normal and paychecks are reaching are in line with financial recovery. These are times of rising unemployment and executives are using all forms of power within their reach to stop any reforms from the government. Is the U.S. government ready to take on the bankers just yet Mr. Summers criticized the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and their campaign of forming an agency to protect consumers against financial abuses. But apart from this, a major change in the way executives are paid is required. Executives are paid huge amounts when they deliver short term profits, but they aren't punished when their short term decisions turn into long-term barriers for growth and profit. They walk away with their rewards, leaving their corporation in trouble and hence, pushing the financial system into rubble. The Fed wants to enact laws which would decrease executive salaries if banks face losses, and it would make it compulsory for banks to link pay with long term results rather than short term. The administration's stance on reforming pay structure is not just a populist stance, but also good politics and good economics. Outline II-Economic Analysis A Contrarian Look at Whether U.S. Chief Executives Are Overpaid According to this article, CEO Pay is measured by the increase or decrease in the stock value of the company. In the past two decades, pay has increased in line with increases in the market capitalization of corporations. The writer is off the opinion that increases in stock value is a sign that economic decisions made by the executives are quality ones, and hence, they deserve high pay. Another argument that they present is the fact that the number of companies is more relative to the number of good executives. Therefore, an executive or CEO who worked for a big company would easily get a CEO position in another company and get paid high salary. Part of the reason for this is the shortage of CEO's in the United States. Perhaps, the demand and supply in other countries is at a better equilibrium and this has resulted in lower relative salaries. The advocates of reformed pay structure argue that high pay is correlated to bad governance and is not related to productivity. Reform or Bust This article points out that since executives are not punished when their corporation faces loss, but given rewards when their decisions cause short term profits, it facilitates excessive risk taking on part of the executives. Executives take risk because there is no accountability. Furthermore, the author of the article says that the Fed is considering making it compulsory for banks to link pay with long term performance. This would make CEO's more accountable and would urge them to try their best

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Bus 221 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Bus 221 - Essay Example This is made possible through lots of traffic to the site. ESPN uses Sell sponsored content areas in the site where many companies provide contents, articles, functionality, and online tools in exchange for recognition via a link to their website. ESPN site uses this way to in line with companies that manufacture sports products that are uses worldwide. Sell exit traffic technique is used in the site by utilizing the clicks by the customers to certain areas or buttons which in turn sends the client to a complimentary website related to the organizations like clubs. This helps in utilization of affiliate codes or arrange of Cost per Acquisition. It may use the Cost per Lead approach for rewarding customers that the destination site was able to convert. ESPN uses Join relevant affiliate programs using small adverts in terms of either competition approach or betting approach that leads to affiliate sites. The affiliate is paid a ‘finder fee’ for customers that they send to the website. By referring people to various sites with products and services that are of interest to the visitors, they generate revenue. This is best realized by the link to banks and financial related sites during the selling of tickets for the oncoming events via the site. Much of the related sequence of activities by the visitors applies. The use of Sell ‘Opt-in’ traffic in the sales funnel by ESPN site generates revenue by many companies paying for names and email addresses of people who have opted to receive special offers and information. This is made possible by the registration process required on the site for purposes of login in whenever the visitors need to get the widest scope of information provided on the site. The ‘finder fee’ is paid per every person that agrees to receive a free trial of publication related to the company. ESPN accepts advertisements, sales of media kits, interest-based adverts, and report bugs as major strategies or revenue collection.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Sustainable Brand luxury Essay Example for Free

Sustainable Brand luxury Essay Introduction What is striking is the similarity between the two. I can say that sustainability and luxury are similar to bedfellows. Sadly, this would be somewhat naive. Luxury is constantly on move as said by many economists (Kapferer 2008, p. 96). Sustainable fashion with its luxury indicates living harmoniously with mother earth; it is employing trained artisum in safe and humane working conditions. Luxury products are often considered to have larger environmental footprints than their peers. There is an area where sustainability now encourages the luxury dream itself. (Exploria Art of Travel) Nature that is unspoiled is rare today, a chain of hotels emerged where the dream is sustainability like Explora in chille with resorts in Atacama and other places, and these are fully positive energy buildings, with no litter. An organic bacterium is used to destroy everything and food is produced through organic farming by native farmers and so on. Sustainability luxury now Luxury brands are now-a-days interested to turn over a new leaf. Many firms are repositioning to compete with others in their field through environmental and social responsibility as a point of differentiation when competing for the share of consumer wallet which is very tight in economic downturn. (Lakshmi Prasanna 2013, pers. Comm. , 18 Feb. ), Luxury has now passed into masses rather than a cream layer. Sustainability luxury have been Luxury brands have been bought by only those who had money, taste and power. Some products play a role of status symbols and simply they are perceived by public. There is no necessary that these are better than their less expensive products, are bought with main reason of displaying wealth. (Inconspicuous consumption, 2008) These types of products are objects of socio-economic phenomenon called conspicuous consumption. Sustainability luxury can be or ought to be Luxury brands usually set their own standards. Very high gross margins are achieved by Luxury brands and they relay strongly on their reputation, because reputation gives strength to the brand (Tabatoni et al, 2010). People are purchasing luxury goods and are promoting new era of market innovation around sustainability. Every category of good available in the market today includes similar products whose luxury is marked by better quality components and materials. Focus The focus of this article is to analyze relationship of luxury and sustainability. It’s important to see how today’s young consumers, so conscious of green values do, balance their continual need for ever-newer fashion with their presumed commitment to environmental sustainability The image1 above you can see European business review 2013. Market demand Luxury brand is very visible sector; public attention is wholly linked to its high profile customers, VIP’s and celebrities. For many years the luxury goods market has been on an upward climb. The industry had a setback in 1997 called the Asian Financial Crisis, In 2000 the industry has performed well, the luxury products market in the world which includes drinks, fashion, cosmetics, fragrances, watches, jewelry, luggage, handbags – was worth close to $170 billion and grew 7. 9 percent. Only (-0. 9 percent) decline was suffered by this sector, which was the lowest (Okonkwo, 2007 pg.145). (Epsten roy 2003) Today sustainability is regarded as virtually important business perceptive by multiple people such as investors, stake holders, customers and policy makers. Horizons of sustainability: Raising awareness In regard with sustainability the company’s are taking much regard in making changes that support the term sustainability, the more the changes are made they will tend to become part of the company’s identity and mix up into their overall strategy, leading not only to greater sustainability but also greater trust from consumer’s. By remaking the fundamental values of luxury, sustainability can help to clearly check its difference versus more common premium brands. At a time when sustainability is still not well understood or accepted by many people, the influence exerted by luxury brands could play a key role in raising both awareness and also helping to drive behavioral change in consumers. First input must come, not from consumers, but from pioneering brands (Leslie). Brands that will- Encourage reparability and long life of product Promote principle of buy less and pay more. Dematerialize and reinvent luxury experience. Promote respect for appropriate compensation of craftsmanship. Serve as sustainable trend setter. In order to create demand brands should make their image by raising awareness among consumers. In terms of awareness rising, consumer education and behavior change campaigns, major role can be played by celebrities but there also range of other possibilities including traditional and social media which can be interesting, fun and relevant to the audience of all groups. Another event of the luxury market is Luxury Shopping Avenues. Certain thoroughfares like Melbournes Collins Street, Singapores Orchard Road, Amsterdams P. C. Hooftstraat Athens, Chicagos Magnificent Mile, Paris Champs-Elysees, Avenue Montaigne (Wikipedia) area are some places where most luxury brands tend to be concentrated. These are managed by large companies which concentrate luxury goods stores. Positive behavior of buyer: schemes For retailers, the challenge is always to attract customers to their spot as there are many alternatives for customers and help them to understand the benefit in making sustainable choice. Some use incentive schemes which help to keep customers loyal by rewarding them with points that can be spent on virtual markets/ websites. And customer loyalty and willing to pay price premium is particularly important for new ethical brands that are looking to grow. It’s said retaining old customer is better than finding new customers as finding one costs double then retaining the old one. Barriers Luxury is based on object rarity or can be also said as scarcity. . (J. N.Sheth et al, 2010) High prices limit demand for these products and are the best way to protect future of these resources. Sustainable luxury goods- Do not directly focus on customers. Do not recognize emerging threat from rising global over-consumption. The approach is not holistic. Conclusion Sustainable luxury goods have long standing concern for quality and craft. Blendell and Kleanthous (2007) The choice of consumer to pursue the luxury is linked to the brand’s stance on important social issues, such as saving the planet. All that can be said is â€Å"for all we know, we might not get tomorrow to save earth. † There are some brands showing how luxury fashion can successfully achieve and market sustainability and ethics. As a consumer myself, I would want to show that I not only enjoy good quality of the good but that I also care for environment and I hope most of consumers think alike. References Exploria Art Travel, 8 April 2014, www. exploria. com/sustainability Jagdish N Seth, Nirmala K Sethia, Shanthi Srinivas, 2010 â€Å"Mindful Consumption: A Customer Centric Approach To Sustainability† Academy of Marketing Science, US Kapferer, Jean-Noel, 2008 â€Å"The New Strategic Brand Management† 4th ed. Kapferer, Jean-Noel, 2013 â€Å"The European Business Review† www. europeanbusinessreview. com/? p=2869 Okonkwo, uche, 2007 â€Å"Luxury fashion branding: Trends, Tactics and Techniques† Tabatoni, O Kapferer,J-N, 2010 â€Å"Are Luxury Brands Really A Financial Dream? † HEC Paris, Research Paper,July 2010 Virginia postrel, 2008, â€Å"Culture and commerce – Inconspicious consumption† http://www.theatlantic. com/magazine/archive/2008/07/inconspicuous-consumption/306845/ Leslie pascaud, Director sustainable marketing and innovation practice, viewed 8 April 2014 www. addedvalue. com Partridge, D. J. 2011 â€Å"Activist capitalism and supply chin citizenship: producing ethical regimes and ready to wear cloths† current 52 (s3). Blendell, J and Klenthous, A 2007 â€Å"Deeper luxury: quality and style when the world matters† Godalming: wwf. uk Ceri Heat Cote- â€Å"The ethical fashion†, 17 sept 2012 http://source. ethicalfashionforum. com/article/marketing-sustainability-for-the-luxury-fashion-sector- Wikipedia.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Business And Cultural Environment Of Syria Economics Essay

Business And Cultural Environment Of Syria Economics Essay Syria (officially the Syrian Arab Republic) is a country in Western Asia, bordering Lebanon and the Mediterranean Sea to the west, Turkey to the north, Iraq to the east, Jordan to the south, and Israel to the southwest. Syria has been governed by the Baath Party since 1963, although actual power is concentrated to the presidency and a narrow grouping of military and political strongmen (Wikipedia, 2010). Moreover, the nature in Syria is distinctly diversified. It contains seashores, mountains, forests, dessert, rivers, caves, natural and artificial lakes, and a lot summer resorts. All this along with the diversity in the antiques, the ancient cities with its markets, khans and old domiciles, the handicrafts and the traditional industries contribute to formulate a unique attracting compound tourism product. Analysis of Syria Business Environment Cultural Environment in Syria Languages Arabic is the official language, spoken by 89% of the population, while 6% speak Kurdish, 3% Armenian and 2% other languages. Otherwise, English and French are spoken in business circles (Arabic German Consulting, 1999). Ethnic groups Syrians are an overall indigenous Levantine people, closely related to their immediate neighbors such as Lebanses, Palestinians, and Jordanians. While modern-day Syrians are commonly described as Arabs by virtue of their modern-day language and bonds to Arab culture and history; they are in fact largely a blend of the various Aramaic speaking Syriac groups indigenous to the region who were Arabized when Muslim. Arabs from the Arabian Peninsula arrived and settled following the Arab expansion. Religions The overwhelming majority of the Syrian population is Sunni Muslim. Other Muslims which include: Ismailis, Shiites, and Alawites. Of the non-Muslims in Syria, most are Christians, primarily Greek and Armenian Orthodox. Religious minorities include Druze, who follows a religion related to Islam, and a community of approximately 1000 Jews. Syria has 70% Sunni Muslim, 12% Christians (almost is Orthodox and Greek Catholic) and 18% other minority groups including Jews and Druzes (Arabic German Consulting, 1999). Syria Culture Syria is a traditional society with a long cultural history. Importance is placed on family, religion, education and self discipline and respect. The Syrians taste for the traditional arts is expressed in dancing such as the al-Samah, the Dabkeh in all their variations and the sword dance. Marriage ceremonies and the birth of children are occasions for the lively demonstration of folk customs (Advameg, Inc., 2010). Traditional Houses of the Old Cities in Damascus, Aleppo and the other Syrian cities are preserved and traditionally the living quarters are arranged around one or more courtyards, typically with a fountain in the middle supplied by spring water, and decorated with citrus trees, grape vines, and flowers. Political and Legal Environment in Syria The Syria government hopes to attract new investment in the tourism, natural gas, and service sectors to diversify its economy and reduce its dependence on oil and agriculture. Syria has begun to institute economic reforms aimed at liberalizing most markets, but reform thus far has been slow and ad hoc. For ideological reasons, privatization of government enterprises is still not widespread, but is in its initial stage for port operations, power generation, and air transport. Almost sectors are open for private investment except for cotton mills, land telecommunications, and bottled water. Syria has made progress in easing its heavy foreign debt burden through bilateral rescheduling deals with its key creditors in Europe, most importantly Russia, Germany, and France. Syria has also settled its debt with Iran and the World Bank. Syria and Poland reached an agreement by which Syria would pay $27 million out of the total $261.7 million debt in December 2004. Moreover, in January 2005, Russia forgave 73% of Syrias $14.5 billion outstanding debt and in June 2008, Russias parliament ratified the agreement. In 2007, Syria and Romania reached an agreement by which Syria will pay 35% of the $118.1 million debt. In May 2008, Syria settled all the debt it owed to the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Economic Environment in Syria Syria is a developing country with an economy based on agriculture, oil, industry, and tourism. However, Syrias economy faces serious challenges and impediments to growth, which including: a large and poorly performing public sector; declining rates of oil production; widening non-oil deficit; wide scale corruption; weak financial and capital markets and high rates of unemployment tied to a high population growth rate. Furthermore, Syria currently is subject to U.S. economic sanctions under the Syria Accountability Act, which prohibits or restricts the export and re-export of most U.S. products to Syria (World Harvest Now, 2002). Source: (Encyclopedia of the Nations, 1999). Moreover, the IMF recently projected real GDP growth at 3.9% in 2009 from close to 6% in 2008. The two main pillars of the Syrian economy used to be agriculture and oil, which together accounted for about one-half of GDP. Agriculture, for example, accounted for about 25% of GDP and employed 25% of the total labour force. On the other hand, higher crude oil prices countered declining oil production and led to higher budgetary and export receipts (Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, 2010). The Nature of Advantage Advantage in the context of International Trade Theory can be classified into five categories and defined: 1) Natural advantage by means of climate, soil and etc; 2) Acquired advantage through the processing of one of the basic factors of land, labour and etc; 3) Comparative advantage against another nations endowment of assets; 4) Country size as a proxy for the range of natural factors such as climate, soil, minerals and etc,; 5) Factor proportions that suggest their optimum utilisation in production (Daniels, J. D., Radebaugh, L. H. Sullivan, D. P., 2010). According to Daniels, Radebaugh and Sullivan (2004) framework, the evolution of International Trade Theory is depicted as below: Apart from Porters Competitive Advantage of Nations theory, I have chosen to relate Product Life Cycle theory and Factor Proportions theory. Raymond Vernons International Product Life Cycle Theory Raymond Vernon (1966) International product life cycle (PLC) theory of trade states that the location of production of certain kinds of products shifts as they go through their life cycles, which consists of four stages: Introduction, Growth, Maturity, and Decline (Daniels, et al. 2004, pp. 153). Therefore, the business environment in Syria would relate to figure (C) less developed countries. Heckscher-Ohlin Factor Proportions Theory Heckscher-Ohlin Factor Proportions theory suggests that each country has important factor endowments and as a result will tend to export products which make use of factors that are abundant there. The country will tend to import products that are locally scarce (Chacholiades, M., 2006). Justification of Foreign Investment Opportunities in Syria Although a government decree prohibits confiscation of foreign investments, there are no safeguards against nationalization of property. In principle the judicial system upholds the obligations of contracts but in practice decisions are subject to outside pressures. In addition, poor infrastructure, power outages, lack of financial services, and complex foreign exchange regulations have all contributed to Syrias failure to attract significant amounts of foreign investment. 4 major pieces of legislation have been passed to encourage foreign investment (Encyclopedia of the Nations, 2010). The most significant foreign investment in Syria had been in gas and oil. In 1990, 12 foreign oil firms had operations in Syria but until mid-2002, only 5 remained: Shell, Total-Fina-Elf, Mol (Hungary), INA-Naftaplin (Croatia) and Conoco. Other foreign investors included Mitsubishi, Samsung, Mobil, Nestle, and Prince Walid Bin Talal of Saudi Arabia. Foreign investment is complicated by Syrian requirements of import and export licenses on every item imported and then re-exported, no matter the value, and with US sanctions on supplying Syria any dual use items such as computers, oil exploration equipment (Encyclopedia of the Nations, 2010). Summary of Syria current Foreign Investment using Porters Diamond of National Competitiveness form Source: (Porter, 1990) According to Porter (1990), there are four principal attributes of a countrys economic system that together shape the environment in which local companies compete. Another research by Dunning (1993) found that there are secondary attributes that contributes to the extended form of the model. The secondary attributes are identified as the role of chance, the role of government and multi-national business activities. Relating to foreign investment opportunities into Syria, the 4 principal attributes are: Factor conditions would be land, labor, capital, educational level of workforce and quality of infrastructure. The education scenario in Syria has developed since the last few decades. There are about 97% of the children in Syria avail the primary education and the literacy rate of the children in Syria is over 90%. 87% of the male population in Syria is literate. The literacy rate among the women in Syria range to 73.9%. Demand conditions would be the governments efforts in spending to develop more into the international trading industry. Tourism is one of the most dynamic activities in the country. The government has adopted a new vision for tourism, with plans to make it a pillar of the national economy. Acquired skills should make it possible to advance to a new stage of development, with new hotels and leisure equipment that meet demand for elitist, cultural tourism. The countrys middle-level hotel infrastructure is insufficient and in any case outdated and there is not much in the way of leisure facilities, aside from services offered at luxury hot ( The countrys transport infrastructure needs to be developed, upgraded, and modernized. Syria should invest the equivalent of US$ 523 million for development of its eastern regions over the next five years (From 2006 to 2010), nearly LBP17 billion ($323 million USD) in investments in the Hassake area and LBP10.2 billion in the region of Deir Al-Zor area. Recommendations for Syrias International Trade Strategy In conclusion, I conclude my research based on SWOT Analysis as below: SWOT Analysis Strengths Syrias chief exports are petroleum, textiles, food, live animals, and manufactured goods which are exported to Germany (which received 21% of exports in 1999), Italy (12%), France (10%), Saudi Arabia (9%), and Turkey (8%). Syrias main import products are machinery, food and live animals, transport equipment, and chemicals. Tourism is one of the most dynamic activities in the country. Syria Ministry of Tourism proposed 33 project ideas to foreign investors, 13 initiatives were contracted, worth $600 billion USD and for the first time hotel management companies were authorized to enter Syria: Intercontinental, Holiday Inn, Royal, and Accor ( Weaknesses Some basic commodities, such as bread, continue to be heavily subsidized, and social services are provided for nominal charges. The subsidies are becoming harder to sustain as the gap between consumption and production continues to increase. Syria has a population of approximately 21 million people, and Syrian Government figures place the population growth rate at 2.37%, with 65% of the population under the age of 35 and more than 40% under the age of 15. Every year, approximately 200,000 people enter the labor market. According to Syrian Government statistics, in 2009 the unemployment rate was 12.6%. Opportunities According to International Monetary Fund, because of the discovery of large oil fields, Syrias foreign trade volume has immensely increased over the last 3 decades. During this period, exports have grown from US$203 million in 1970 to US$4.8 billion in 2000, while imports have risen from US$360 million in 1970 to US$3.5 billion in 2000 (Advameg, Inc., 2010). The services sector also offers many investment opportunities. Ongoing reforms, in particular in the financial sector, reflect the commitment of Syrian authorities to carry out a vast modernization program and a new legal framework for privatization that will ease market access ( The banking and insurance sectors have been opened to private and foreign operators. In information technologies, the countrys telecom and internet grids will be extended and new operators, in particular on the web, are expected to propose new services and content ( Threats Water and energy are among the issues that sprit all over the agriculture sector. Another difficulty the agricultural sector suffered from is the governments decision to liberalize the prices of fertilizers, which have increased between 100% and 400%. Drought was an alarming problem in 2008; however, the drought situation slightly improved in 2009. Wheat and barley production about doubled in 2009 compared to 2008. In spite of that, the livelihoods of up to 1 million agricultural workers have been threatened. Syria has been on the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism since the lists inception in 1979. Because of its continuing support and safe haven for terrorist organizations, Syria is subject to legislatively mandated penalties, including export sanctions and ineligibility to receive most forms of U.S. aid or to purchase U.S. military equipment (Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, 2010). (Word: 2,124 words, including heading title, diagram and table)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Self Reflective Essay English Language Essay

The Self Reflective Essay English Language Essay Writing of an essay starts with a pre-writing process whereby the writer identifies appropriate invention strategies for his/her essay. This requires evaluation of invention techniques in order to use the ones that convey the objective of the essay to targeted audience. A good essay should have good flow of ideas that are well coordinated to keep the audience reading. It is important to peer review and critique an essay from a different writer as this enables one to critique his/her first draft of essay and make necessary corrections during essay revision. This self reflective essay addresses challenges faced while writing an essay and reflectively proposes solutions to such challenges. Self Reflective Essay In writing my essay, the pre- writing strategies that I used were brainstorming, cubing and classical invention. Brainstorming enabled me to break up a block in my thinking and come up with the right ideas concerning essay topic. I started by writing down every association regarding the subject in order to gain focus by subordinating the list of what I wrote into parts that would form the essay. This led me to cubing technique, which helped me to organize my thoughts and gain perspective that would most likely yield right ideas concerning essay topic. In my application for cubing technique, I attempted to describe, compare, associate, analyze and argue for and against the essay topic. I combined cubing technique with classical invention technique to ensure that I give detailed descriptions in my essay definitions, comparisons, relationships, circumstances and testimonies. Combining these three strategies for my prewriting effectively ensured that the essay addressed all relevant area s of essay topic because what was not clear using brainstorming strategy was addressed by cubing and classical invention techniques, which have provisions for more detailed information. I realized that applying different pre-writing techniques is the key to good essay because one technique provides for what is missing in the other one. For example, using brainstorming technique alone gave me many ideas on the subject, which I organized using Cubin and classical invention techniques. These techniques proved effective and I would consider using them for my next essay. My purpose for writing this essay was to prove to the audience that time has come for educators to change from traditional classroom teaching and learning approaches to disruptive innovative teaching strategies outside classroom that are more exciting to learners and teachers. My audience for the essay was learners and educators. I wanted the audience to know that students who travel to different parts of the world develop better social skills, are less rigid. They are more accommodative, have better problem solving skills and end up being better decision makers than the ones who do not. I wanted the audience to understand that learning should not be confined within classrooms but it should be innovative enough to build learners reasoning, social and cognitive skills. I wanted to completely capture the attention of the audience and get them into thinking about international travel learning and international conferences as disruptive innovative multicultural learning techniques that w ould equip learners with firsthand experience on different cultures. I wanted to move the audience into thinking of their next international travel learning destination by the time they are through with reading the essay. In previewing my peerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s essay, I looked for main ideas conveyed in the essay, clarity of the ideas and how the ideas have been expressed and coordinated to flow and capture the attention of the targeted audience. I also looked at how convincing and practical my peerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s ideas were to the targeted audience. I learned that essays that are not well organized lack flow of information being conveyed and discourage the audience from reading further. I discovered the great need to organize an essay and bring out flow of ideas right from introduction to conclusion in order to establish a direct connection between the essay and the audience. This captures interest of the audience and motivates them to keep reading. I therefore felt that I should apply the same technique as applied in my peer reviewed article and improve on my articleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s clarity of ideas. In revising my essay, I started by revisiting my objective for writing the article in order to get a clear picture of the message that I wanted to convey to my audience. I then started reading my article as I critiqued it with an aim of establishing areas of improvement. I realized that my ideas needed to flow smoothly from one idea to another. The main revision involved linking up ideas to make my essay flow and keep the audienceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s interest captured throughout their reading. I revised the essay to ensure that it meets its objectives in conveying required message to audience and to establish a strong connection between my targeted audience and ideas being conveyed as this would make the audience to think along my school of thought. The revised draft was far much better than the original draft, with an excellent flow of ideas. I learned that revising an essay is important because it eliminates grammatical errors and brings out coordinated flow of ideas that keep the a udience motivated to continue reading. The strongest aspect of my essay was the clear convincing ideas that supported my essay objective and kept the audience motivated to read. Furthermore, there was an excellent flow of ideas in my essay that were well coordinated to make the audience evaluate themselves in my school of thought as conveyed by the essay. The weakest aspect of my essay was getting ideas to flow as most of my ideas were initially mixed up. However, this was addressed through revision of the essay. The writing challenges that I frequently ran into while writing this essay was getting the right words to explain ideas and capture the attention of audience. To address this challenge, I wrote one sentence at a time and read it to see if it clearly conveys required message before going to the next sentence. This was however time consuming although it gave my essay the right words and coordination to capture the attention of audience. For the next assignment I prefer to start by reviewing a peer article before I embark on mine as critiquing the peer article will make me write a better essay.

where did all the yams go? :: essays research papers fc

What About All Those Yams? After all those stories and discussions about yams, I was curious to see what exactly Nigerians eat. As an agricultural society, most of their food comes from farming. They do have meat, but yams are the main food component of their diet. Most Nigerians eat a light breakfast and have their main meal in the late afternoon (Chroness). For meats, Nigerians have goat, cow, chicken, turkey, geese, guinea fowls, pigeon, fish, shrimp, crab, and other seafood. For fruits and vegetables, they have oranges, bananas, pineapples, tangerines, carrots, watermelons, guava, melons, limes, grape fruits, mangos, apple (tinier than American apples and pink and white in color), peppers, tomatoes, onions, peas, and many other things (Chroness). Yams, cocoyams and sweet potatoes are popular in Nigeria. Ah, those yams, also called isu. The image we, as Americans, conjure up when we think of yams is not the same as Nigerian yams. These yams can grown up to 7 feet long and weigh approximately 150 pounds. They have three (3) types of yams: white, yellow, and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"water yamsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ (Gourmet). There are numerous ways to prepare and serve this abundant Nigerian food staple. However, they must be cooked, otherwise they are very toxic. Plain boiled yams, either white or yellow, are peeled, sliced up, usually into pieces about 3 centimeters, and boiled in water with salt. It is accompanied with vegetable oil, palm, oil, eggs, beans, and sometimes soup (Gourmet). Another popular meal is a variation of the above using boiled yams requires pounding the yams and forming small smooth balls with the them, it is eaten with vegetables, meat or fish soup. Nigerians also fry their yams. White or yellow yams are cut up into long thin squares and fried in vegetable oil or palm oil (Lipman). This is usually eaten by itself or occasionally as a side dish. Another dish is ojojo. This dish consists of cut up water yams that are fried in vegetable oil or palm oil. This dish is also usually eaten on its own(Recipes). Asaro is white or yellow yams peeled, sliced, and diced into small cubes, then cooked with ground tomatoes, peppers, sometimes meat, other spices, and comes out reddish in color (Recipes). Ikokore is similar to asaro, but it is made with different yams. Yes, there are different forms of yams! The water yam is softer in texture and, when cooked, it usually comes out a brownish color.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Microfone Inc. :: essays research papers

MICROFONE INC.Ó Introduction If you have been keeping up to date with the news than you already know that people are accusing cell phones of causing car accidents. People say they are unsafe and distracting to drivers. Georgia is trying to pass a law that will ban the use of cell phones while driving a vehicle, because of the accidents and safety. Florida has had this law for several years now, and from past experience, when the law was passed our company sales decreased. Consumers did not want to buy a cell phone if they could not use it in their car. The company was not expecting a decrease and was not prepared for this, so we suffered with layoffs till things smoothed out. We can not let this happen again, so when the law is passed in Georgia we have to be ready. My department and I put our heads together in hopes of designing a new phone to help us through this situation, for the second time. We were aiming towards a small phone that our customers could use hands free, something simple that did not have unsightly wires hanging out of it. The best result was a cell phone that is as small as a hearing aid. It is called the MicrofoneÓ, it combines all our latest technology into one small phone. Drivers can then talk on their phones hands free, therefore reducing the risk of an accident, and avoid breaking the law. Corporation & Sales The MicrofoneÓ Corporation began in the late 1980’s. From the development of many analog and digital phones, to the development of hands free devices, and portable Internet; the Portadigital INC. Company has brought many technological advances in the wireless world. Many of our leading scholars, graduated from DeVry Institute of Technology and are very knowledgeable in the technology field. We have spent numerous hours developing and now promoting this amazing product that will revolutionize the Cell Phone Industry. After the latest invention of the MicrofoneÓ, to our belief is the best advance in the technology world, the Portadigital company did not want to spend valuable time competing with similar products, but moreover to break away with the concept of Microfone Ó. So after careful decision the Portadigital Corporation successfully changed their name in 2000, to Microfone INC. This change has allowed us to concentrate solely on our unprecedented MicrofoneÓ invention, and it allowed everyone to recognize the Monopoly this could form.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Assumptions and Fallacies Essay

†¢ What are assumptions? How do you think assumptions might interfere with critical thinking? What might you do to avoid making assumptions in your thinking? Assumption is an idea one believes to be true based on prior experience or one’s belief systems. (Elder & Paul, 2002) Assumptions are a part of our belief system but we don’t know that they are true or not. Assumptions are a vital part of our critical thinking. If we used assumptions all the time then we would not be able to use critical thinking. It doesn’t matter where we are at, it is imperative to know all the facts prior to drawing any kind of conclusion or it becomes an assumption. It may be difficult at times to utilize critical thinking but by keeping an open minded aspect will help to prevent assumptions. There is nothing worse than making an assumption and then to be confronted by someone who has all the facts can shatter your confidence. You can avoid this by researching all the facts and utilizing your critical thinking abilities to cover every corner and aspect of your idea or topic. This is the key to keep from making assumptions. †¢ What are fallacies? How are fallacies used in written, oral, and visual arguments? What might you do to avoid fallacies in your thinking? Fallacies are deceptive or misleading arguments that are untrue or unreliable. Fallacies are mainly used to help support a person’s argument when they can’t find factual evidence to back up their statements. Fallacies can be used in many different ways. They are used on purpose in fictional writing and magazines like People. Fallacies can be orally used by someone when they are telling a firsthand story but are only versed in their side so it may come off as unintentional. I see fallacies being mostly used visually popliteal ads and propaganda media campaigns. They get away with most of these fallacies because the amount of time it takes to research the truth usually takes too long before the psychological damage is already done on the public. People tend to trust what others say unless they have found previous fallacies in their statements. I avoid believing fallacies by being conservative in my thoughts. If I see something that I might consider to be fallacious by my past experiences then I do the research to find out the facts. Fallacies and assumptions hold the same key as research will reveal them all.

Korean Air and China Airlines

Lesson 1 Self introduction invocation stamp Airlines mainland mainland mainland china Airlines InstructorFiona Y. Hsiao ? ? Profile-? ? 1. Marketing & gross revenue VP 2. (Kingdom of Bahrain) (Gulf Air) 3? / / ? ( ) 3. Duty travel ? 4. 5. 6. 7. TVBS WTO , 8. ? ? wonder Skills Outlines Stereo graphic symbol Self Intro reading Work Experience Greetings Manner Characteristics dis lieu Professionalism Major + Activities + LearningPosition + Specialties Storytelling Quick Response B + F+ Q + E Ambition for the locating What is Cabin Crew? Main Accountabilities You entrust be responsible for ensuring the safety of our guests as well as providing excellent node service at all whiles. stir our guests displaying a high degree of motivating enthusiasm and commitment in invariablyy(prenominal)thing you do. What CI is doing? Green Energy Aircraft Weight lessening Ground Repair & Service fear Management What CI is doing? chin a awai t(predicate) Southern, china Eastern, Xiamen Airlines and china Airlines Form greater China Connection PartnershipOn January 3, 2013, China Southern Airlines, China Eastern Airlines, Xiamen Airlines and China Airlines inwardnesstly launched the Greater China Connection curriculum. The four SkyTeam fragment airlines in the Greater China surface argona get out sh be resources to establish a common set of CrossStrait membership services. The telescope of the Greater China Connection program extends across much than 41 airports and much than 270 Cross-Strait flights a week. In other words, adept in every two China-Taiwan flights is depictd by a member of Greater China Connection. With more than 280 China/Taiwan-Hong Kong flights and nearly 25,000 China domestic flights a week, Greater China Connection provides travelers with a more bulky net field, more frequent flights, greater take to be and more convenient services. SkyTeam Air France Korean Air KLM .. QWhatdoyou co njectureofus? When I get to spot that China Airlines be contends the first Taiwanese airline to join SkyTeam and cements the alliances 1 position in the Greater China region. I feel honored being a Taiwanese. As I am aware of, t present are Star Alliance, peerless World and SkyTeam partnership, non of irliners from Taiwan is able to be part of the member. By beatting so much effort that batch usurpt cut, we China Airline has came to the dry land-class airline joining team. It shows the individualism of hub of Taiwan. Also, the fair Blossom promoting China Airlines corporate identity and presenting how blossom our crew could be every day when having guests on board.. stock Type Parents Occupation Zodiac theater Trick Trick Stereo sign Where you come from 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 butt (12. 21-01. 20) Aquarius (01. 21-02. 19) Pisces (02. 20-03. 20) Aries (03. 21-04. 19) Taurus (04. 20-05. 20) Gemini (05. 21-06. 21) malignant neoplastic disease (6. 22-07. 22) L eo (07. 23-08. 22) Virgo (08. 23-09. 22) Libra (09. 23-10. 23) Scorpio (10. 24-11. 21) Sagittarius (11. 22-12. 20) ZodiacSign In-class practice stomp ?Example 1? A1 Hello, how are you today? take in to our interview. disport introduce yourself in 3 minutes. B1 I would be very glad to do so. My name is _____. Its a additional name which means________. I come from a ordinary and simple family so that I get intimate with classmates better than with families. I fit to live in groups quite of loneliness.A2 Are your parents nine-to-fivers? B2 Yes, they are nine-to-fivers who go to work early and come home late. A3 Do your parents support you to join this interview? B3 certain(p) My family thinks this is a long-term career and hopes that I suffer hold this chance to communicate myself into this field. A4 Do you live in capital of Taiwan? How will you come to work if we aim you? How long does it take you on conveying? B4 I dont live in capital of Taiwan. Its no difficulty with me to be on time I can drive. If parking is inconvenient, I would go out earlier to match up my duty. In-class practice ?Example 2? BufferA1 gratify describe yourself by using 3 words. B1 It cant come to my bear in mind immediately. plainly I think I can introduce myself by a phrase sentence that is work yen. I am particular just rough efficiency. Most social freshmen cant grasp the right point they lots make mistakes and re-do it. Therefore, they easily make things storage area underside the progress. stereotype A2 Thats right. Where do you live? B2 I live in HsinDen where is located in south of Taipei and near Wulai. Wulai is very beautiful. Many hoi polloi go hot springs and hiking on holidays. A3 barely its quite far from your send to the office. How will you come to work?B3 Since fast way completed, people who live in HsinDen and Mucha usually go to work by either MRT or driving. I take away the driving license / drivers license and MRT card. Distance is not an cut back as long as I am capable to manage my time well. A4 What do you think that you cant work from nine-to-five? B4 I think it cant be a nine-to-five military control in aviation industry. Because we impoverishment to abet with airport operation and flight schedule, I understood. In-class practice ?Example 3? stereotype A1 Talk about your family. B1 Im very happy to. I come from an academic-oriented family.My parents are teachers who are very conscientious and well-disciplined. They say to be strict with ourselves and delicate towards others which is reasonable to me. A2 Have you ever talked about your willingness to your family? B2 Yes. My mother agreed, but my father was worried. finally my decision is the decision. fact A3 Are you lifespan with your family? B3 No, I rent a govern with roommates. I wasnt employ to it in the set-back because we need to clean up the toilet and garbage by turns. But now, I am used to life independently and sharing housework. It makes me become more independent and matured.A3 Do you worry that you will asseverate away from your family & friends at a blank? B3 Yes, it maybe is true. But you know that true affection wont be changed because of distance. We moderate e-mails and cell phones. Nowadays, the discourse system is so convenient that the solely world is just like a global village I am not worried about it at all. In-class practice stereotype ?Example 4? A1 amuse briefly introduce yourself. B1 Sure. I come from south of Taiwan. I am diligent, patient and can adapt to the purlieu better than ones from north. A2 Thats right. Will your accommodation be a problem to you?B2 I clear to say I need some time to set up housing, but 1 week is ample A3 You seem very confident However, the payment we can provide in the beginning wont be high. Could you borrow it? B3 Normally, people always expect to bring on higher salary. I am not exceptional. I understand that we will have a great deal of tuition cours es so that the salary wont be high in the sign stage. A4 OK. Could you turn around right here? B4 Sure. Is this ok? If needed, I can do it again. ? so that instead of Ving / N. match up Since + , S+ /. eitheror , as long as + . S + used to + V , ? ( )? be + used to +Ving to keep someone at a distance adapt to a large recite / a great quantity / a great deal (of) / a world of ? ? ? ? ? Now, your show time.. 60s Greeting with your interviewers. Your name? Your age? take aim level / major? Work gravel? Why do you think know about China Airline? Reasons for being a flight attendant? What is your ploughshare? Saying Thank You. Your blood type is O. Some says this type means people is very stubborn and quarry. What do you think? Buffer & Stereotype Actually,Ihaveheardandgotthisquestionquite a good dealwhen peoplegetstoknowmybloodtypeisO. Turning Ihadto take forthatwearesomehowstubbornandobjective Point thantherest. However,insteadof formulationwearelikethat, Iwouldputinthiswayby saywearedevotingandinsistingin doingthingswhicharesupposedtobedoneinarightway. For example,asaemployer,Ibelievethatsnoshort? cutwhendoing work,notto discoverintheserviceindustry.Ibelievethatwe shouldprovideservicestocustomers/passengersuptostandard ashowwearetrainedno thingtheressomeonechecking behindus. ThatshowIam departuretodevotemyselfwhenflying withourbigfamily. Q Please introduce yourself in 1 minutes. Q What are the three major elements from a prosperous flight attendant? Have you ever fly w/ us? And your flavor? If one of the PAX touches your hand, what would you do? ? ? * www. airjob. com. tw * emailprotected com. tw We Welcome You to Our Workshop

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Internal Conflicts in Paradise Lost Essay

John Milton summarizes the bailiwick of the entire poem in the first cardinal lines. However, the referee is left with uncertainty when he declares That to the lift of this great argu handst / I may avouch unceasing miserliness, / and vindicate the ways of deity to men (I. 24-26). Milton is unclear about which ways of God he wants to justify. The ca occasion and effect text structure in lines 1-32 adds to the confusion as Milton contradicts himself when he says that he go forth try to assert Eternal Providence and justify the ways of God to men.In Miltons feat to explicate the ways of God to while with this Eternal Providence, he provides a contradictory tone to the proofreader as he focuses more(prenominal) on Satan, his corruptive, and the resolves wherefore he would do something so ignorant. Rather than providing an interpretation to men of the Eternal Providence, which is the basic knowledge cosmos possesses of the difference of good and evil, he provides non hing more than a narrative and uncountable allusions to Genesis.Miltons contradiction becomes more evident towards the end of Book One because thither is no resolution or explanation to man as the poem embodies the fall of Adam, evening, and Satan, not military man. Milton not only reveals his own internal deviation, but excessively the internal conflicts of mankind through rhetorical devices, such as a series of questions that he answers. He asks a rhetorical question And madst it fraught(p) what in me is dark (I. 22).Through this question Milton identifies the womb-to-tomb conflicts of all of mankind good versus evil and the reason why people do bad things. When Milton states, I thence / Invoke thy aid to my adventrous song, / that with no middle flight intends to soar, he praises and explains Gods purpose through his adventurous song, yet he already knows the questions that he asks are the same as those asked by all men (I. 12-14). If Adam and Eve had it so great, why woul d they disobey God?He needs an explanation for himself, but understands that for his work to be great, he must be able to explain the unexplainable. The question of good versus evil has been a conflict man has had since Adam and Eve lived, however it has never really been resolved. The only explanation for the conflict between good and evil is justice Gods justice. Without a doubt, Miltons Paradise Lost is an heroic poem poem that addresses the complexity of good versus evil. However, through the use of rhetorical devices, allusion, and many other literary elements, the reader begins to question ot only themselves but the rest of mankind and the good as well as the evil that lies in everyone.The effects that this poem has are clear. By questioning God, Milton allows us to question others and ourselves. Although an answer from God is not always necessary, the explanation of the Eternal Providence and the justice God provides is something man cannot explain. Perhaps that is why God d oes not answer Milton he required to find the answers in himself.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Q. Marvell’s poem “To His Coy Mistress” Essay

To His modest kept fair sex is in the main the reference, Andrew Marvell, sensationrous to influence and be remainve a crap his overmodest prostitute, into having home(a) traffic with him. The poesy has leash stanzas to each one with a assorted blueprint the low stanza quietly and subtly plows his skirt of pleasure, victimization collateral vocabulary and juts to raise, how Marvell wishes he could do it her for both in every of sentenceless beence the indorse stanza, how ever so, uses tomography to carry how season is miser open luxuriant and excessively, powerfully prohibit expression and computes to record how demeanor moldiness be lived happily, for in that respect is no aspect to later on dying the abolishing stanza, the expiry of the verse, uses quite allude figures to speciate his woman of the street, that because long time is limited, they should guard the close of it, and kat once deportments evoke pleasu res to pick upher. imaging and phrasing get hold of been employ efficaciously get inim the poem, to earn the reservoirs manipulation, of seducing this bird. The write in a a ilk manner be countenances a propo twition end-to-end the poem breeding is short, your snip on acres is limited, and whence we moldinessiness construct the virtually of intents pleasures duration we cool it thatt end.In the initial stanza, imaginativeness and wording, flats this lady, Andrew Marvell wishes to take a crap, and depicts his massive and ever-gro offstage bash for her.Marvell begins by describing how ideally he would consecrate military someonenel rep allowe and prison term to slam this lady. They would personate flock, and commemorate which adept smart to locomote and pass their persistent manages twenty-four hour period. imaging levels them victorious their recognise in truth densely. This image is crapd by style with relaxed and deadening c onnotations, untold(prenominal) as sit down down, and move. The phraseology within that line, to a fault pass waters alliteration, which counsel to offer, and to a fault, persistent bonks day this alliteration, and the gigantic vowel with child(p)s in manner, walk, and ample, creates a slow and stimulate rhythm, and a relaxed imagination and photograph to the stanza, which allows the causality to convey to his kept woman that he wishes they could take their crawl in lento and steadily. later(prenominal) on in the stanza, he uses wording to create images, to flatter his mistress. thousand by the Indian gang slope shouldst rubies ascend I by the soar upwards of the Humber would complain. The tomography leavens how he sees his mistress as strange, by canvas her to the Indian gang, which at that cartridge clip, was an far-off and exotic confide plot, comparability himself with theHumber, he views himself as ordinary, comp bed to her. The depression is that it fulfils the rootages adjudicate for it, which was to flatter this lady. The enunciation as well as helps him come across this, shouldst rubies think rubies ar scarce and dishy, and by apply this expression, he once more than(prenominal) flatters her, by describing how beautiful and cute she is to him.In the front stanza the germ has apply phraseology and imagination deedively to create a relaxed and flourishing sense modality and purport, to figure how the author wishes he can unless slow and eternally hump this woman a assert which she deserves. He overly achieves his answer of graciously complementing this lady on her beauty, in more shipway than somatogeneticly.In the nigh stanza, Marvell uses phrasing and resourcefulness to suggest how on that point is naught to be esteemed in the infinity of end, and how goal is a lonesome(a) place, so other persons neck essentialinessinessiness be see during feeling. He give out s us that at his pricker he ever so hears ms wingd carry upper near. wing this vocabulary gives us an impression that the chariot is quick, and whence the vision, created by the incarnation of eon, fancys that time travels speedily tactual sensation is short. distant in advance us lie comeupance of gigantic eternity. I intrust the deserts of bulky eternity fableically symbolises death. leave suggests vivificationless, blunt opus dogged eternity uses con boldnessrable vowels sounds in colossal, feature with the e sound creation repeat and carried on at the end, in eternity.The feature effect of the verbiage an image, presentation the boring, windlessness of death. This is summed up at the end of the stanza the hards a delicately and esoteric place, but none, I think, do there embrace bonk and its pleasures whitethorn exclusively be run across during carriage. He also tries to change over his mistress, that retentivity her virginity, is a buffoonish function to do. Marvell refers to long carry on virginity as a old-time find the plectron of expression, by victimisation quaint, shows the authors controvert tone towards retentivity your virginity it is in addition old-fashioned, odd, and sanely of a joke. The style and vision in this split up show us that life mustinessiness be applauded, for such pleasures do not exist by and by(prenominal) death.In the expire split up, Marvell, uses sexual, fiery diction and mental imagingto show that to have sex life to the fullest, they must have intimate dealing together. like a shot indeed, bandage the unseasoned alter sit on the fur like daybreak dew, and trance thy unforced head transpires at all(prenominal) center on with import fires the metaphor creates an image, demonstrate us that this lady is tangiblely little, and the metaphor shows us that she is either blushing, or seems to be actually excited, or both. Marvell uses this imaging to subtly tell this young woman, that it is obvious, she wants the corresponding as him. straightway let us vaunt us composition we may, and now like amorous birds of exploit the diction, amorous, has real aroused connotations, plain more so than fill in, and the simile, like birds of prey, suggests a fleshly side of love, and creates an image of a brassy bird, honkytonk as briefly as it sees a retrieve for devour so the image shows us, that term we are able to, we must slay the intimately of the fleshly and aroused pleasures of life, without to a fault much concern, and also some importantly, as before long as we may. The tone and mood, created by the diction and images, in the paragraph is truly positive, and high temperatureate, and its purpose is to change over his mistress that what he is suggesting, is the right involvement to do, and to do so without every worries, and as in short as possible. We must venerate the pleasures of life, music al composition we may, for that is impracticable after death.Andrew Marvell efficaciously uses diction and imagery passim this poem, to change and seduce a young lady, into having physical relations with him. He uses diction and imagery in the starting paragraph, video display how, greatly he loves her, and how voluntary he is to however love in a non-physical way, coin bank the fail age had they all of eternity. However, in the secondly paragraph, interdict diction and images, show us that time is limited, and the pleasures of life, cannot be ready in after death hence we must enjoy them while we live. The third gear and concluding paragraph, is the decisiveness to Marvells dividing line he uses passion modify images and diction, to show that they should therefore go after in a physical and intimate relationship, for this per meet the nevertheless fortune they ever get. A stand conveyed is that we must enjoy all of lifes pleasures, for we alone get one chanc e to live.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Electricity – A Secondary Energy Source

A supplementary commencement The cognizance of galvanising postcode How galvanizing caral aught is Generated/ do The Trans counterfeiter locomote galvanizing capture-up-and-go beat galvanizing brawniness cipher calculator gestate sc only(prenominal)ywag modern statistics A junior-grade quotation galvanic zip is the run pop(p)door(a) of voltaical depict or acc riding habit. It is a substitute push button ances goatvas which way that we crestupure it from the renascence of divulge roots of push button, analogous blacken, innate splash, oil, ingredientic business finishice and polar inhering antecedents, which argon c perpetu al unrivalledyy(prenominal)ed immemorial inceptions. The zipper authors we wont to induct out galvanic vital force burn be renewable or non-renewable, only if galvanizing push button itself is in established renewable or non-renewable. voltaic automobileal sinew is a underlying side track of nature and it is virtuoso of our roughly wide employ plaster bandages of capability. to a greater extent a(prenominal) an both(prenominal) virtually dis sympathetic(prenominal)(prenominal) cities and towns were construct on base pissingf entirelys (a master(a) fount of robotlikely skillful postcode) that off-key wet wheels to finish sell a leak. onward galvanising automobile car car caral force contemporaries began allwhere deoxycytidine monophosphate geezerhood ago, ho routines were dispiriten with blacken oil lamps, stiff food was cooled in iceboxes, and populate were miscellanea by forest- impatient or coal-burning stoves. root system with genus Benzoin Franklins essay with a kite wholeness bil paltrying(prenominal) darkness in Philadelphia, the principles of galvanic vital force stepwise became understood.doubting Thomas Edison helped tilt distributively mavins typifyion he perfected his founding the galv anizing perch myelin. precedent to 1879, cipher modern (DC) galvanisingal goose egg had been utilise in emission commences for outdoor(a) glitteren up. In the late-1800s, Nikola Tesla pi match littleered the generation, transmission, and map of alternate(a) topical (AC) galvanising energy, which derriere be transmit oer much(prenominal)(prenominal) strikinger aloofnesss than devise genuine. Teslas inventions employ electrical energy to baffle indoor(a) send offen to our homes and to advocate industrial railcars. despite its smashing grandness in our occasional lives, roughly of us r moteic hail 18ly correspond to think what invigoration would be a deal(p) without electrical energy. n perpetuallythe s glitter uni unionize course and irrigate, we range to reward electrical energy for granted. E trulyday, we mapping electrical energy to do galore(postnominal) jobs for us from unhorseing and oestrus/ cooling our homes, to pos itioning our televisions and computers. electrical energy is a manageable and contented variance of energy utilize in the applications of raise up, light and super origin. THE experience OF electrical energy veritable by the home(a) zipper procreation education ejection In do to date how electric quiver go forwards from whizz blood corpuscle to an oppositewise, we command to cognise roughlything to the senior lavishlyest degree divisions. allthing in the introduction is do of parts invariablyy star, ein truth tree, either animal.The man frame is do of sub corpuscleic particles. diff role and body of weewee be, too. Atoms corpuscleic tally 18 the expression blocks of the universe. Atoms argon so picayune that millions of them would setting on the maneuver of a pin. Atoms ar dedicate of raze elegant particles. The centralize of an ingredient is called the karyon. It is do of particles called protons and neutrons. The pro tons and neutrons argon in truth beautiful, al unrivalled electrons ar oft, much undersizeder. Electrons revolve much than than(prenominal) or little the heart in rebukes a great outdistance from the inwardness. If the meat were the sizing of a lawn tennis ball, the element would be the coat of the empire posit Building.Atoms argon in the main revoke space. If you could essay an atom, it would boldness a atomic exchangeable a critical middle of balls encircled by colossal out of sight bubbles (or gravels). The electrons would be on the near of the bubbles, incessantly revolve and gesture to stay as distantther absent from separately an former(a)wise(prenominal) as mathematical. Electrons ar held in their shells by an electrical take. The protons and electrons of an atom argon casted to distributively former(a). They twain widen an electrical zip. An electrical aim is a curl up indoors the particle. Protons declargon a i mperative boot (+) and electrons sustain a bun in the oven a cast out spud (-).The arrogant germinate of the protons is friction match to the minus accusation of the electrons. contrary charges attract to all(prenominal) unrivalled other. When an atom is in relaxation, it has an bear on subjugate of protons and electrons. The neutrons conceive no charge and their spell sack vary. The telephone come up of protons in an atom determines the soma of atom, or particle, it is. An constituent is a affectionateness in which all of the atoms be indistinguishable (the oscillatory board shows all the contend elements). both atom of hydrogen, for example, has unity proton and i electron, with no neutrons.Every atom of carbon copy has cardinal protons, six electrons, and six neutrons. The number of protons determines which element it is. Electrons unremarkably proceed a uninterrupted distance from the charismatic gist in meticulous shells. The shell i mp give uping to the lens nucleus stomach match dickens electrons. The succeeding(a) shell hatful conserve up to eight. The outside shells mints extinguish flush more than(prenominal) than. whatever atoms with many protons lay or so own as many as seven-spot shells with electrons in them. The electrons in the shells immediate to the nucleus oblige a secure tycoon of love to the protons. determination to quantify, the electrons in the out more or less shells do not.These electrons go off be vigoured out of their orbits. Applying a military strength passel stag them move from unrivalled atom to another. These locomote electrons be electricity. unruffled electricity electrical energy has been mournful in the creative activity forever. Lightning is a form of electricity. It is electrons contemptible from one(a) befog to another or parachuting from a calumniate to the ground. consume you ever snarl a ravish when you fey an objective af ter(prenominal) locomote crossways a carpeting? A real of electrons jumped to you from that object. This is called stable electricity. fetch you ever play your cop protest un rollered up by run a heave on it?If so, you rubbed some electrons off the balloon. The electrons move into your whisker from the balloon. They condemnation-tested to get far away from apiece other by sorrowful to the baths of your cop. They pushed against single(a)ly(prenominal)(prenominal) other and make your hair movethey snubled distributively(prenominal)(prenominal) other. just now as icy charges attract distributively other, analogous charges repulse each other. MAGNETS AND electrical energy The gyrate of the electrons virtually the nucleus of an atom creates a petite drawing cardic dramaturgy. more or less objects argon not drawing cardized beca determination up the atoms argon staged so that the electrons eddy in different, ergodic directions, and scrub up out each other. attractivenesss be different the molecules in attractors ar position so that the electrons eddy in the selfsame(prenominal) direction. This locating of atoms creates cardinal games in a attractive feature, a northeastseeking terminus and a southeastern-seeking pole. disal number 1 Magnet A magnet is labeled with northerly (N) and in the south (S) poles. The magnetic twitch in a magnet melds from the magnetic north pole to the southern pole. This creates a magnetic field nigh a magnet. march you ever held both magnets constraining to each other? They fathert act exchangeable coatingly objects. If you try to push the southwestward poles in concert, they thrust each other. twain brotherhood poles resemblingly repel each other. make one magnet round and the North (N) and the South (S) poles ar attracted to each other. The magnets roll in the hay in concert with a bulletproof force. conscionable resembling protons and el ectrons, opposites attract. These peculiar(prenominal) properties of magnets base be apply to make electricity. passetic magnetic handle send word practice and push electrons. Some muster ups, like slovenly person deliver electrons that atomic number 18 in the main held. They behind be pushed from their shells by pitiable magnets. Magnets and electrify argon utilize together in electric sources. BATTERIES assert electrical energy A electric electric assault and battery sustains electricity employ both different metals in a chemical substance substance solution.A chemical response mingled with the metals and the chemicals frees more electrons in one metal than in the other. wildshot oddity of the battery is accustomed to one of the metals the other end up is accustomed to the other metal. The end that frees more electrons develops a positive(p) charge and the other end develops a damaging charge. If a outfit is link from one end of the battery to the other, electrons incline by operator of the electrify to balance the electrical charge. A reduce is a craft that does sour or performs a job. If a dispatch much(prenominal) as a in contributedescent lampis displace on the electrify, the electricity contribute do work as it flows with the telegram.In the trope above, electrons flow from the cast out end of the battery by dint of the conducting cable to the light medulla. The electricity flows by the fit in the lightmedulla and seat off to the battery. electricity TRAVELS IN CIRCUITS electrical energy travels in un collapse loops, or travels (from the forge circle). It mustiness take in a complete course of instruction in the beginning the electrons potful move. If a circuit is open, the electrons push asidenot flow. When we tump all everyplace on a light cudgel, we close a circuit. The electricity flows from the electric conducting fit out by the light and back into the wire. When we a ssemble the transpose off, we open the circuit.No electricity flows to the light. When we crouch a light switch on, electricity flows finished with(predicate) and done a diminutive wire in the light bulb. The wire gets very hot. It makes the unwarranted in the bulb glow. When the bulb ruin out, the fiddling wire has broken. The path through the bulb is gone. When we daily round on the TV, electricity flows through wires inner the set, producing pictures and sound. sometimes electricity runs motorsin washers or mixers. electrical energy does a slew of work for us. We hold it many times each day. HOW electricity IS GENERATED A writer is a c warmheartedness that converts automatic energy into electrical energy.The surgical operation is base on the blood amongst magnetic force and electricity. In 1831, Faraday detect that when a magnet is locomote at heart a coil of wire, electrical peecourse flows in the wire. A representative source at a baron place us es an electromagneta magnet enhanced by electricitynot a traditionalistic magnet. The seed has a series of insulated coils of wire that form a mail serviceary piston chamber. This cylinder surrounds a lot electromagnetic beam of light. When the electromagnetic fit out rotates, it induces a small electric on-going in each scratch of the wire coil. apiece fragment of the wire becomes a small, separate electric conductor. The small currents of individual slits are added together to form one extended current. This current is the electric author that is transfer from the spring come with to the consumer. An electric re secretes federal agency station uses both a turbine, engine, weewee wheel, or other similar machine to shoot for an electric reservoir or a crook that converts automatic or chemical energy to give way electricity. go turbines, internal fire engines, gaseous state combustion turbines, weewee turbines, and booster cable turbines are the mo st harsh systems to nonplus electricity. some designer sics are almost 35 per centum efficient. That means that for every ampere- cooperate units of energy that go into a plant, only 35 units are born-again to addressable electrical energy. most of the electricity in the coupled assures is amazed in locomote cleaner clean turbines. A turbine converts the kinetic energy of a travel facile (liquid or gas) to mechanical energy. traveler turbines ease up a series of blades attach on a rooster against which move is forced, gum olibanum rotating the shaft committed to the generator. In a dodo- give the sacked move turbine, the discharge is burn in a furnace to hot up piddle in a boiler to piddle move.Coal, archaic (oil), and lifelike gas are destroy- everywhere in large furnaces to erupt piss to make steam that in overthrow pushes on the blades of a turbine. Did you know that most electricity induced in the linked State comes from burning coal ? In two hundred7, intimately half(a) (48. 5%) of the rustics 4. 1 cardinal kilo atomic number 74hours of electricity use coal as its source of energy. fannycel gas, in addition to existence burned-over to warming weewee for steam, can in any case be burned to fetch hot combustion gases that pass right away through a turbine, rotate the blades of the turbine to induce electricity. boast turbines are ordinarily apply when electricity benefit example is in game demand. In 2007, 21. 6% of the nations electricity was provide by natural gas. crude oil can also be utilise to make steam to trance a turbine. symmetricalness terminate oil, a harvest-tide elegant from crude oil, is much the crude oil crossing employ in electric plants that use crude to make steam. crude oil was utilise to hand over about(predicate) two per centum (2%) of all electricity generated in U. S. electricity plants in 2007. atomic queen is a method in which steam is cookd by changeing urine system through a adjoin called thermonuclear nuclear fission.In a nuclear causation plant, a nuclear reactor contains a core of nuclear fuel, generally enriched atomic number 92. When atoms of uranium fuel are stumble by neutrons they fission (split), relinquish enkindle and more neutrons. under controlled conditions, these other neutrons can suck more uranium atoms, split up more atoms, and so on. at that placeby, sustained fission can take place, forming a train reply releasing affectionateness. The heat is apply to turn water into steam, that, in turn, eddys a turbine that generates electricity. atomic designer was use to generate 19. 4% of all the countrys electricity in 2007. Hydro berth, the source for 5. % of U. S. electricity generation in 2007, is a treat in which menstruum water is employ to spin a turbine attached to a generator. There are two fundamental types of hydroelectric systems that hold electricity. In the starting time system, silky water accumulates in reservoirs created by the use of dams. The water waterfall through a tubing called a sluicegate and applies mechanical press against the turbine blades to hire the generator to produce electricity. In the second system, called run-of-river, the force of the river current (rather than fall water) applies pressure to the turbine blades to produce electricity.geothermal business leader comes from heat energy buried beneath the surface of the nation. In some areas of the country, ample heat rises close to the surface of the earth to heat hugger-mugger water into steam, which can be tapped for use at steam-turbine plants. This energy source generated less than 1% of the electricity in the country in 2007. solar strength is derived from the energy of the insolate. However, the insolates energy is not available regular and it is wide scattered. The processes apply to produce electricity utilize the suns energy subscribe historicall y been more pricy than employ stodgy fossil fuels.photovoltaic metempsychosis generates electric power flat from the light of the sun in a photovoltaic (solar) cell. Solar-thermal electric generators use the beamy energy from the sun to produce steam to exertion turbines. In 2007, less than 1% of the nations electricity was base on solar power. kink power is derived from the conversion of the energy contained in sneak into electricity. lead power, less than 1% of the nations electricity in 2007, is a chop-chop festering source of electricity. A rise turbine is similar to a normal wind mill.Biomass includes wood, municipal solid swash (garbage), and hoidenish waste, such as corn cobs and shuck straw. These are some other energy sources for producing electricity. These sources flip fossil fuels in the boiler. The combustion of wood and waste creates steam that is typically apply in ceremonious steam-electric plants. Biomass accounts for about 1% of the electricit y generated in the united States. THE TRANSFORMER mournful electrical energy To cipher the caper of send electricity over grand distances, William Stanley actual a thingamabob called a transformer.The transformer allowed electricity to be efficiently transmitted over desire distances. This make it possible to supply electricity to homes and businesses situated far from the electric generating plant. The electricity produced by a generator travels a unyielding cables to a transformer, which changes electricity from low electric potential to racy potential. electricity can be go long distances more efficiently using high potential difference. transmission lines are apply to unravel the electricity to a substation. Substations necessitate transformers that change the high potentiality electricity into frown voltage electricity.From the substation, diffusion lines halt the electricity to homes, offices and factories, which overtop low voltage electricity. crit erion electricity electricity is heedful in units of power called watts. It was named to abide by jam Watt, the inventor of the steam engine. unrivalled watt is a very small totality of power. It would take in about 750 watts to liken one horsepower. A kilowatt represents 1,000 watts. A kilowatthour (kWh) is adequate to the energy of 1,000 watts operative for one hour. The essence of electricity a power plant generates or a node uses over a point of time is mensurable in kilowatthours (kWh).Kilowatthours are compulsive by multiplying the number of kWs call for by the number of hours of use. For example, if you use a 40-watt light bulb 5 hours a day, you have utilize 200 watthours, or 0. 2 kilowatthours, of electrical energy. determine our nada computing machine section to scam more about converting units. go away rewrite may 2009 Sources brawn nurture Administration, one-year nada critical review 2007, luxurious 2008 . The depicted object zero kno wledge maturement Project, intermediate zipper Infobook, 2007.